Some People

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Some people come to our lives

And as quickly as they arrive

They disappear

They vanish

From our sight

From our dreams

Some people can make you cry

Even though they mean no harm

Still, tears fall

For how can you be happy

If the reason for your smiles

Is the same reason for your tears?

Some people can move your soul

And can reach you within

Would touch your heart

Would wipe your tears

Only to break you

More painfully than before

Some people can embrace you

Even if you are bathing with sweat

Would kiss you, cook for you

But a little time after that

Would be allergic to moist

Won't kiss and won't be a chef

Some people do not understand you

And they take you for granted

They are oblivious of your hurt

They don't care about your shattered longing

Their own happiness

Is all that they're thinking

Some people think you expect much

But no, a man who would step up is enough

Who would love you

With a love so candid and true

And you believe that amidst some people is a man

Who will make your sky more beautiful

To gaze upon.

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