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The day part of his character died is the day Luca decided to break it off with Allera. The decision was just unanimous. It had to happen. He was heartless the whole night with Allera. Every single touch Allera gave to Luca, he flinch and swat it away. Come to think of it, Luca has been this way for a while. Not that Allera did not notice she just won't say anything before her birthday, she was afraid Luca was going to break up with her. 

Then just 5 minutes later after the clock hits 00.00 exactly the date Allera's mother had given birth to her, she pulls Luca away and brings him to the rooftop to confront what is going on with him. Then we all know how this story ends from Allera's perspective. 

The water that hits his face blended naturally with the tears that are flowing right through both sets of eyes. Luca was indeed heartless. There was of course a reason, a reason that he did not want Allera to figure out. Luca was brokenhearted, the sound of Allera's cry almost got to him. If he had looked back, he would've run to hug her while giving Allera the apology of the year. But he didn't he thought it will be better this way. 

His trembling shoulder was blurry to Allera's crying eyes, once he was sure that Allera was out of his sight. He hits the wall continuously, his hand bleeding and the wall cracked with blood smeared all around it. He realizes that he has to stop and when he did he broke down in tears. He touches his back to the wall he just cracked and fell to the floor. He screamed and he stopped every single reaction he have regarding the breakup. He stood up almost immediately. Wiping the tears out his face and took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipe the blood off the wall and his hand. Walked away with a poker face. 


3 months in.

It's been 3 months since my parents kicked me out of their very lovely mansion. I've been threatened, spat at, screamed at, thrown coffee at, gossiped, and every single thing you can experience being- sorry looked like a privileged woman in a coffee shop being the cashier as if I don't have enough money.

I don't have enough money, that is the problem. 

Prom is a week away and I still haven't found a date. I mean there were dates but not the one I match vibe with. I need someone with class and fashion and looks. Some had fashion but no looks. Some got to class and looks but they dressed like a homeless person. Some even have fashion, class, and looks but both of them are my ex and why would I ever go with my ex? I supposed there are more people with looks, class, and fashion in that humongous school.

"hey!" She clapped her hand in front of my daydreaming face.

I snapped back to reality, I forgot that I was supposed to be working but I just spent my day looking out the window thinking about my prom dates that have not existed. I smiled at the lady that just clapped me back to reality. Yeah., I smiled. I have changed this past couple of months. 

"What would you like to order ma'am?", I asked with hospitality. 

Oh.I.Wish. To. Die

I tried being hostile, but instead, I just got the most siren looks from every woman I served. and no tips. That stopped when I smile more, especially with guys that have seen my magazines. Which sounded dirty at the moment but isn't. It was voted that the majority of the buyer and viewer of the magazine was men. 

You might ask, how did I end up being a cashier? 

I was running out of money and Jeremy can't keep buying me food every week with a teacher's salary, even a private school salary can not pay for a lifestyle in NYC. The money from photoshoots and videos is not enough, so I decided to let go of my ways and become a cashier at free port. It's far but I get rides from Jeremy once in a while and I have my car sometimes. 

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