Chapter 5

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Lacey POV

"Oh Danny.. Of course I will!" I replied I was so happy I had tears running down my face.
"Shh Lace don't cry come on let's go back in and dance" Danny replied. I really was the luckiest girl in the whole world.

Danny POV

I felt so happy right now, Lacey had just said yes to being my girlfriend I just wanted to kiss her but I didn't know if she was ready so I put out my hand for her to take and she did and we walked inside, hand in hand.

For the rest of the night we just danced around and I got to know some of Lacey's friends which was nice but now it was getting late and I wanted to go to sleep.
"Babe you ready to go yet?" I asked Lacey
"Yeah wait a sec let me say goodbye to my friends" she replied, smiling. Her smile was so beautiful it made me smile. I was really in love with Lacey..

A few minutes later and we were walking out to the car as Lacey had just said goodbye to all her friends.
"Dan, I love you" Lacey said out of nowhere
"Lace I love you too" I replied smiling
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lacey smile too and it made me smile even more.
We quickly got into the car to drive home then 10 minutes we were back at Lacey's house. We walked in and both didn't really know what to say but then she broke the silence,
"So Dan when are you going on tour?"
"Umm, I think in a week or two"
"Okay, you know you said I could come? Well is it okay if I really do? I..if not that's fine I'll just go round Eleanor's and Lia's house"
"Lace of course you can come, I would love for you to come with us. I would miss you too much if you didn't come"
"Dan your so cute, ya know?"
"Well.." I replied smirking
"Right well I'm going to sleep now, see you in the morning" lace replied laughing still and getting up from the seat.
"Won't you stay down here with meeee?" I replied pouting
"Fine" she replied sitting back down
We were both sat down on the sofa cuddling I thought she was asleep when she spoke,
"Danny can we keep this secret for a while?" She asked
"Yeah if you want to" I agreed
Before leaning down and kissing her oh god this girl was my everything.
"Lacey, I really want you to know I really do love you. I know the other night I was a right idiot but I am going to try my hardest to make it up to you. I want you to be mine not anyone else's, your beautiful baby"
Lacey just put her head down in my chest and started to cry,
"Shh lace what's up?" I ask her worried
"It's just that's all I've ever wanted, someone to love me for me and to be treated better than what ma.. Oh shit don't worry about what I just said"
I was worried what did this idiot do to her?
"Oi lace look at me" she then turned her head to look up at me,
"What did he do to you?.."
I didn't need an answer she lifted up her top slightly so I could see her stomach. It had cuts and bruises all over her, it broke my heart.
"Oh lace.." By this point I had tears in my eyes
"Lace.. I now feel even more guilty about the other night. Lacey I know it might take a while but I will wait, but please trust me. I will never brake your heart again and I won't ever treat you like that idiot, I promise"
"Dan you don't know how nice it is to hear someone say they care about me, Matt treated me like this for a year. He told me if I told anyone he would kill me. I was so scared, I hid in my room half the time and wouldn't leave the house at all. He would just turn up at my door and hit me and hurt me" by this point I was crying, to think someone could treat a beautiful girl like that actually makes me sick.
"Baby, I'm here okay. I'm not going anywhere. I feel bad I wasn't there for you when it was all going on but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere"
"I love you Dan"
"I love you more lace"
This girl meant everything to me and more. I leant in to her kiss her and soon pulled away smiling. Not long after we both fell asleep peacefully on the sofa cuddled up.

A week later

So a week had passed and me and Lacey were obviously still together, and I loved her more and more each day if that's even possible. This week we had just went to the studio and watched films and cuddled up on the sofa. I was leaving to go on tour in a few days and luckily Lacey was coming with me so we were packing.
"Dan how long we going for?" Lacey asked
"Um I think for a few weeks babe" I replied
"Ok. Dan are you sure you want me to come?" She said coming closer to me
"Lace don't be silly of course I want you to come, your my girlfriend and I love you to pieces and I wouldn't leave you here coz 1) I would miss you too much and 2) I don't want Matt to hurt you."
"I love you Danny you know that right?"
"I love you more though"
"Pretty impossible I think"
"Naaa I love you more princess"
She just blushed and laughed and buried her head in my chest, I lifted her head up and kissed her, I was smiling at the same time I couldn't help it she made me smile so much.
After a few minutes I pulled away and got back to packing my bags not long after I had finished.

(D- Danny, L- Lacey)
"Babe do you wanna maybe watch films tonight and then maybe go to the studio or something tomorrow?" D
"Yeah ok, wait a sec I'm gonna put my pjs on then get my duvet" L
"Okay baby be quick" D
And with that lace ran upstairs and came down a few minutes later with her pjs on and holding a duvet.
"Dan what film do you wanna watch?"
"Umm you can pick"
In the end we ended up watching 'the fault in our stars', it was actually an ok film so far we was up to the part where they were throwing eggs at the car.
"Yeah?" Lacey replied looking up at the me
"I never ever want to lose you. I know we haven't been together that long and that your younger than me but every time I see you my face lights up, you can make me smile and laugh like no one else can. If I lost you I would lose myself too. I love you more than I can even explain and I want to spend my life with you. Your so beautiful Lace and I'm so proud to call you mine" D
"Dan you don't know how much that means to me, i never want to lose you either your the one that's been there for me through so much. Your the most kind, thoughtful, selfless, handsome and caring man I know. I love you to the moon and back millions of times, I don't care if that sounds cheesy because it's true. I always want to be with you" L
"Your my everything Lacey O'brien" D
"I love you" L
"I love you more" D

Sorry that this update took so long been really busy, I know it's not the best but it's building up to something that could wreck their relationship... Comment what you think will happen.
I like writing this but I'm not sure if people actually enjoy it and last chapter barely got any reads at umm please tell me otherwise I might stop..
Anyway thanks ok bye Xx

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