Chapter 15

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Danny POV

Me and Mark had just been to the shop and bought food. We walked 5 minutes and got back to the bus.
"Lace" I shouted. Where was she?
"Lacey" I shouted again. Nothing. Silence. I started to get worried.
"GLEN!!" I shouted.
"WHAT DAN" he shouted back.
"WHERE ARE YOU" I shouted.
"IN THE SHOWER WAIT A SEC" he shouted back. I then heard the shower turn off and a door open.
"What is it Dan?" Glen asked.
"Where's Lacey?" I asked worried.
"She went to her bunk after her shower then I got in the shower straight away. Go look in the bunks she might be asleep" Glen replied. I nodded and quickly ran upstairs to the bunks. I looked in her bunk, nothing. Then I looked in my bunk, again nothing. Wait no. There's a letter? I quickly opened it. It read:

Dear Danny,

Danny I love you so much. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are the best boyfriend I've ever had. But I need to go and sort my head out. Don't blame yourself, it's nothing you have done. I'm going to go spend time with friends. Speak to you in a few weeks. I love you always.
Love from Lacey xx

She'd left. I was about to cry but I had to hold back the tears. She's 19 and she could be anywhere. She's 19 and alone. I started to panic. I quickly ran downstairs.
"Glen!! Mark!!" I shouted. They both quickly ran in the room where I was.
"What?" Mark asked.
"Lacey. S..she's gone" I stammered.
"I know. I don't know why she left. She said to sort her head out? I dont get it though. Sort out what?" I replied. I saw Glen looking shocked and worried, his face was in panic. He was looking to the floor.
"Glen?" I said. He looked up at me.
"Glen what happened?" I asked worried.
"Nothing." Glen replied.
"Glen I don't believe you. What happened?" I said getting angrier.
"Danny just drop it" Glen said. He quickly ran upstairs. Me and Mark looked at each other confused. What was that about?

Glen POV

Oh no. Oh no. She's left and it's my fault. I quickly went into my bunk and found something. A letter? It read:

Dear Glen,

First of all please don't show anyone this letter. When I tripped earlier I felt something. I don't know what but there was something. I don't know if you felt the same but it felt like what happened 4 years ago. Im leaving to sort my head out and decide what to do. I love you Glen. Thank you for everything. Speak soon.

Love from Lacey xx

Oh no. It's all my fault. She's left because of me. Of course I felt the same when I caught her earlier. It is like 4 years ago. But I have Lil now and she has Danny I don't want to upset Lil or Danny just because I have mixed feelings. I quickly got the letter and my jacket and ran downstairs.
"Guys I need to go I'll be back tomorrow for the show" I shouted. I didn't wait for a reply I just ran out. Then I got a taxi to the airport. I need to go talk to Lacey. 30 minutes later and I was at the airport. I quickly payed the taxi driver and rushed into the airport.

*on the airplane*

What if Lacey didn't want to see me? What if she isn't at her house? So many thoughts rushed through my head. The airplane finally landed and I quickly ran off.

Lacey POV

I was now at my house with my friends and they were staying over. They had really helped me. I had told them everything about Glen and Danny and they said to just try and not think about it for now. But how can I not think about it. I like my boyfriends best friend, as well as him.
"Earth to Lacey!" Eleanor said disrupting me from my thoughts.
"W..what??" I stammered. Lia and Eleanor gave me a sympathetic look.
"Come on Lace let's have fun and stop thinking about them" Lia said.
I just wish I could. But I can't. I love them for gods sake. I love both of them.
"Okay" I said quietly. They quickly stood up an grabbed a pillow.
"What are you doing?" I asked. I then felt a pillow whacking my arm. I quickly grabbed a pillow and joined in. We was having a good time and my mind was actually taken off the situation with Glen and Danny. Then someone knocked on the door. Who would be here at this time? It's like 12am. I quickly ran to the door and opened it.
"Why are you here at--" I started saying. It was Glen. Why was he here?
"Lace can I speak to you?" He asked.
I nodded slightly and moved so he could come in. I led up him upstairs so we could talk privately. I shut my door and say next to him on my bed.
"Are you ok?" Glen asked.
"Yeah" I whispered.
"Lace you know I didn't mean for what happened earlier to happen. I felt something too but I just don't want to upset anyone" Glen said. I just nodded.
"This was a mistake I'm going" Glen said getting up.
"Please stay" I said grabbing his hand. He sat down again and we just looked at each other. I then burst out crying.
"G..Glen what I do" I sobbed. He pulled me into a hug.
"Please don't cry Lace" Glen said.
"B..but I both of you" I said quietly. I didn't think he heard but then he spoke again.
"I love you too" he sighed. I looked up at him and smiled.
"See look at that beautiful smile" he said. I just blushed. He smiled back. Oh his smile. I then yawned I was so tired it was 12:15am now.
"You tired?" Glen asked. I nodded.
"Ok. Do you have a spare room or something cause I can't really go now" He said.
"Stay here" I whispered.
"You sure?" He said. I nodded. He took off his clothes so he was in his boxers and got in next to me. He respected my privacy so stayed on his side. But right now I needed someone to cuddle. So I turned round and moved closer to him. He looked at me then put his arms around me. I cuddled into him. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back.
"G..Glen" I stammered.
"Yeah?" Glen replied.
" you" I said quietly.
"I love you too" he replied. I just looked at him and he looked at me. We then both leant in and kissed. It was so different to with Danny.

Glen POV

Lacey actually said she loved me. I've wanted her to say that for 4 years. Of course I love her too. When we kissed it felt different to when I'm with lil. But then as much as I love Lacey I also love Lil and she also loves Dan. This just makes things so complicated.
"Lacey" I whispered.
"Yeah?" She whispered back.
"What are we going to" I whispered.
"I don't know" she said quietly.
I just sighed and kisses her head. She soon fell asleep but I was still awake. What are we going to do?
Hope this chapter is alright. So do you prefer Danny&Lacey or Glen&Lil or Lacey&Glen? Please let me know ;) thank you so much for almost 900 reads that's almost 1000 which is actually crazy. So thank you :) I don't know if you remember but I said about how I started that fanfic about Glen but then it got deleted? I might start writing that as well as this story. Oh yeh and am I updating enough now? Coz like before it was like once a week😁 but now it's like every other day or something. Anyways will update soon,

Thanks again, L xxxx

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