Chapter 11

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Lumine peeked behind her bush, her heart pounding as she saw Paimon talking to Venti at the front of Angel's Share. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she knew she was going to yell at Paimon when she came back. She saw Venti's face change from a smile to a flustered expression. Then he started laughing and smiled again.

Lumine wondered if he liked her back... why was he not surprised? Did he already know? What are they saying?! Ugh... does he like me back?  I can't tell... he looks happy?

Suddenly, Venti turned his head around and made eye contact with Lumine. Her face reddened as she hid from him. He turned away after a short while, and she took that time to run.

She ran all the way to Flora's shop before she allowed herself to stop and breathe. Her face red, she decided to go to Windrise to calm herself.

After a short while, she arrived at Windrise in front of the tree and behind the Statue of The Seven. She sat on the roots of the enormous tree.

"Geez... Why did I freak out so bad? He probably didn't even see me." She wondered aloud.

"Oh, I did~!" Venti responded.

Lumine shot up from the ground and looked up, there a was. Venti was sitting comfortably on a branch of the tree. Lumine stared at him in shock, wondering how he got there.


"Oh? The potion might be wearing off, you look taller, and your not as grumpy!" Venti laughed.

"Answer my question, did you actually follow me all the way here? I didn't sense your presence, and where is Paimon?"  Lumine was internally panicking, but was able to keep her calm facade.

"Ohh don't worry about her, I left her with Diluc at Angel's Share. He's very responsible you know!"

"Diluc... Well I have to go get her now, I also have to go find Albedo later. See you..." She turned her back, her heart calming down. Thankfully Venti hadn't mentioned what Paimon said to him quite yet.

She jinxed herself.

"Hey wait!" Venti came down from the tree and took her hand in his. "We need to talk Lumine." His expression softened.

"I can't right now... Sorry" Lumine shaked his off, smiling at him lightly before she walked away.

"Hey wait!" Venti tried to get her to stop, but she was already gone. Is she really that embarrassed? Paimon said that she liked me... When will I get to talk to her about it? Venti knew he could be quite irresponsible, but he genuinely wanted to hear her feelings from Lumine, not Paimon.

Lumine felt upset, she should have actually talked to him instead of running away. "Oh... I made a mistake..." But there was nothing she could do. No... I just have to get my normal height back! Then I can face him normally and talk to him!

She went back to Angel's Share, and told Diluc that she came for Paimon. "Why are you...?" He looked surprised, as if he was holding in his laughter. "Yea yea I know, I'm short. Sucrose gave me a potion and this is what happened."

"Oh, well that's... unfortunate" He chuckled to himself.

Lumine left with Paimon a bit later, and Paimon could feel her angered aura.

Oh geez.. Paimon's really in for it now!!

"Paimon! How could you!?" Lumine grabbed Paimon's ear and dragged her away.

"Ah! Paimon's sorry Lumine!! Paimon couldn't help it!! Ow it hurts!!"

"You should have thought about the consequences before you went and told him! He wanted to talk to me earlier but I got too scared..." She let go.

"Oh dear... Paimon thinks you're overthinking too much! If he wants to talk then Paimon is sure he possibly likes you back!"

"I know.. but I should get my original height back first, then I'll talk to him." Lumine decided.

"Alright then, tomorrow we can look for Albedo!"

They both went to sleep in her teapot. Although Lumine had her doubts, she was determined to get her height back and tell Venti how she feels herself.

This really reminds me of the cringey confessions that happen in my school...
- Ari

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