c h a p t e r 6

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Chapter 6

If she had any plans, Genesis would stress about waking up without her alarm and the sun already shining. But when she checks her time, it's still early and the girl has nothing to do all day besides starting with organizing that CEO welcome party of Gael's.

Gael buttons up his black shirt and he fixes the collar before pulling his jacket over it. The fabric covers up the bruises that are covering his skin perfectly. With every movement, he can feel them ache, but the feeling of winning again made him feel even more euphoric. Mattias obviously couldn't stay mad at him for wanting to get back into the game.

Matt exploded back in Mexico, but now that he has another package with 20 grand coming his way, he's not mad anymore. It's these arguments that remind him that Matt isn't just friends with him for the money but that the man is genuinely worried for his health and safety.

But if he really was that worried, he wouldn't have trained Gael into the beast that he is in the ring. Fighting was always something that excited him, but the thrill of underground boxing really lit up a new kind of fire inside him that he never knew existed. It became an addiction.

Genesis gets dressed in nice pants, a white shirt, and a matching jacket. It's not fancy, but not casual either. She quickly ties her hair up in a ponytail and walks downstairs. She walks into the kitchen and finds Gael stuffing his mouth with scrambled eggs.

"You do cook," the girl teases, a small smirk across her lips. Gael looks back and he raises his eyebrows, if he liked her a little more he would've laughed. "I don't," Gael answers and he puts his plate in the dishwasher.

Ginny furrows her eyebrows together. Gael straightens his jacket and then turns to Genesis. "Come by the office today so I can introduce you to some people."


"That event that you're organizing for me, remember?" Gael's face falls and he looks over at the girl. She stares back at him. "I didn't realize I'd be doing that with your employees," she says, defending that she didn't know why she'd go to the hospital. "I'm not going to let an inexperienced girl do this by herself," he says, the condescending tone instantly taking over his voice.

Genesis looks at him and she stays quiet, responding to him with just a slight nod. She takes a deep breath and backs off from the kitchen, making space for Gael to walk out. "So I'll see you there?" he asks, looking over at h. "I'll see you there."

His heart calms down when she doesn't ask him about his employees, it's a sense of trust that she gives him even with her hands nervously hidden in her pockets. They don't know the marriage is arranged, he claimed it was because he keeps his personal life private, but he does want to show her to the women there so she can be taken under their wing and blend into his life a little more.

Her curiosity has become his anxiety. Her need to pry into his life makes him only makes her distance himself from her.

Genesis watches him leave the house and he walks out to the car. She takes a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She's returned to the real world but for some reason, it feels like everything's just starting now.

She quickly organizes the kitchen a little bit, making sure it's all back in its designated place before she goes upstairs to her bathroom to make herself look a little more presentable. She decides that her outfit is presentable enough to head to Gael's office.

Her phone buzzes.

Gael Mayfield: 'Second floor, the big dark door at the end of the hallway. Confidence.'

It takes her a second before she realizes that he's talking about his office and how to find it. This text alone implies that his employees don't know it's all fake. The girl hurries downstairs and walks to the living room. "Mrs." Marcus's voice instantly stops her in her tracks.

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