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Chapter 10

Gael isn't going to be her friend. After the deal that she made with him, she knows that Gael isn't going to be the person she spends her Friday night with watching a movie. Even though that was what she expected when she listened to her parents talking about marriage, it wasn't what Gael gave her.

The Saturday after the party she organized, she went to the country club. It's basically this big communal area for the people in the area that Gael's house is in. But when she arrived, she was instantly interrogated by the women there. The so perfectly looking women that don't look like they sleep or eat ever.

Ginny was clever enough to turn the conversation around so that it seemed like she was talking about him, but she wasn't saying much that could actually get them going. After the party Gael threw, he had grown enough trust to know that she wouldn't be gossiping about him. Not to people she doesn't know.

Sunday morning flew by quickly, the mid-day heat is making Genesis's skin feel hot. But that was good because the tan she got from yesterday had already disappeared since one day of sun in New York doesn't have an effect on anyone's skin.

Gael told her to go visit the club hoping it would give her a proper hobby considering the girl has no friends. He knows that the club wouldn't be the perfect place for her to network, and when she got back his suspicion got confirmed when she didn't have any new friends and when she scoffed when he asked her how it was at the club, he knew she had a terrible time.

He just wanted her to do something useful instead of just hanging around the house all day, not that she had nothing to do around the house, but she was here alone.

She just needs hobbies and she needs friends. Now that they're professional, she needs to have people in her life she can talk to whenever he's annoyed. Tonight he had a dinner planned with some friends of his and he was planning on asking Genesis to come with him so she can meet the people and maybe she can connect with them.

When Gael was still boxing at Mattias's place, he met a couple of guys. He and Matt became a tight-knit group with 3 more guys and the five of them have been friends for years.

With Matt in Mexico and the other 3 guys starting their lives, they hadn't hung out a lot. But they made sure that they did a weekend trip at least twice a year and they have dinner together, with the wives and girlfriends also invited, once a month.

Maybe it's a risk to take her to Juan's yacht, Juan's also a boxer, and the risk of his secret getting out is big, but he's sure that the guys won't spill.

The girls, however – that was gonna be the risk he was most worried about. These women knew what they were getting into when they got into a relationship with the guys, but Genesis isn't there yet. She doesn't know him the way these guys do, but he's willing to take the risk if it means that she'll have a group of people he knows he can trust and that she can rely on.

He owes her for underestimating her. He doesn't think she's some stupid girl anymore, she can be useful. The event she threw on Friday was amazing, better than that even. Gael definitely recognized that she was more skilled than he expected her to be.

"I have a dinner at my friend's yacht," Gael says, sitting down on the little chair beside Genesis's, "James's wife is also coming and Jackson's girlfriend of 5 years is also joining."

He says the names as if Genesis is just supposed to know who he's talking about. "Who's Juan and who's Boris?" She looks at him, her eyes squinted because of the sun shining on her face. "Also, hello to you too, haven't seen you in two days," she adds to it.

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