three; two birthdays and one impending armageddon

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In the end, they transferred Maren to a different primary school, believing she'd make a better start somewhere new. Now that she understood why she couldn't tell anyone about her supernatural parents, she kept her blabbering mouth shut. It turns out that, when you're the new girl, you don't need to say things like that to get attention -- it comes to you naturally.

The moment children spot someone unrecognisable, they flock towards them, wanting to know every little detail from the way they style their hair to their choice of hobbies. They accepted her in an instant, which made things easier for her upcoming fifth birthday.

Obviously, they didn't know the exact date of her birth, instead choosing to honour the day of her arrival. So, technically, it was more like her "fifth arrival day", but Aziraphale and Crowley decided against using that term.

With her newfound popularity, Maren wanted to have a party with all her new friends. Her dads were hesitant, at first, considering their wariness with other humans. But they wanted their daughter to be happy, so Crowley left Aziraphale to plan something for her. He was good at organisation, and despite the demon's dislike of it, he granted the angel a chance to do his dreadful magic show. The children were young -- they wouldn't care if their parents sat them in front of a television for hours on end.

Obviously, Aziraphale wouldn't dare let any child younger than five near his precious books, so he rented out a couple of rooms at a local leisure centre. It was a good decision, considering the chaos that soon unfolded once the party was in full swing.

Crowley didn't intend on staying long, arriving mid-way through the party when all the kids were running around, dancing to cheesy pop music. His angelic friend stood near the entrance as he entered, taking note of Aziraphale's dismay. Half of his drawn-on moustache was wiped across his cheek.

"How's it going so far?" the demon inquired.

"To be honest, I'm quite pleased we were only given one child." They observed Maren from a distance, watching her climb onto the back of one of her classmates. They swung her around, and their daughter's laughter filled Aziraphale with glee. But when compared to the other children, she proved to be the most sane out of all of them. "They have so much energy. I don't know where they get it from."

"It's a mystery, Angel." Children were untempered creations of the universe, running on sugar and pure imagination.

Aziraphale glanced down at the present tucked under Crowley's arm. "I gather that's for Maren."

"No, I wrapped up a box on a whim." He responded.

Maren climbed off her classmate's back, patting down her frilly dress before her eyes were drawn to the main entrance. Her face lit up, her mouth falling open; Crowley matched her excited expression, grinning back at her. He crouched on the floor, lowering himself to her height.

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