seven; if we shine like constellations

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(tw: homophobia and bullying. i'm sorry, it gets worse before it can get better)

She never told her father what happened, and they didn't inform Crowley of the situation either. Instead, Maren excused that she wanted to allow him some time alone, understanding that it had been years since he'd last hibernated. Crowley complied, as he often did with her demands, thinking nothing of it. As he slept, Maren sunk deeper into her depression. 

Aziraphale pulled her out of school for the time being, knowing she would be safer at home. To have her suffer like that in an institution that thrived on picking on others -- the angel would not allow it.

Her room became her haven, a place where she could forget about the world. To her father's chagrin, she barely left it. But Aziraphale kept his head held high and only hoped her time of isolation would grant her some peace.

But peace did not come to her so easily as she thought it would. Maren had to destroy her phone to fight her constant urge to check her social media. She spent her time teaching herself how to play the guitar, listening to different kinds of music as a means to express her anger, and watching several essays about the lack of good LGBTQ+ representation in media.

Why she had to be born in a time of pathetic morons, she'd never understand.

She started collecting guitar picks, too. Since childhood, she'd always had an artistic flair, so she began to paint them. Each painted pick had a different meaning behind it -- meanings she wasn't ready to share with the rest of the world just yet. She wanted to be the next "Courtney Love", but she couldn't really do that from her bedroom. Everything out there was too loud for her, and she needed the quiet for a little while.

There were times when she cried. She cried a lot. Those words would resurface like dead bodies in the water, haunting her thoughts. To ensure Aziraphale didn't hear, she'd sob into her pillow or hide under her duvet.

The weeks went by, the days slipping through her fingers as the desire to stay in bed all day began to consume her. She knew it was unhealthy, but she didn't care. And Aziraphale tried his best to coax her out of the shell she was hiding in. It worked sometimes, though it was rare to see a smile on her face.

Aggie nestled in her arms most days, and her owner could tell she was fighting the urge to explore Soho like she usually did. She was the independent type of cat, but she could never wander too far from home.

Maren held the animal against her chest, stroking its soft head with her thumb. She was so big now -- Maren couldn't quite believe it. "You're not gonna hate me someday, are you?" As if her cat could understand her, Aggie lifted her head, her yellow eyes widening. She briefly chuckled. "Of course, you won't." 

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