"some ineffable fates need a little push..."
In which the adopted daughter of Heaven and Hell's representatives on Earth is the only one who can see the chemistry between them.
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"My mummy works at the supermarket." One excited boy declared with a beaming grin, immensely proud of his mother's occupation; he was almost bouncing off his knees.
Their preschool school teacher patted her thighs, kneeling on the floor with the rest of the kids in a large circle. "That's wonderful, George. Your mother must work very hard."
The boy nodded. "She gets back really late, and then I only see her in the mornings."
"Well, that must mean she's doing a very good job." Her eyes shifted to the girl next to him, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her head bowed. She picked at her fingernails, bored senseless as the teacher asked. "What about you, Maren? Where do your parents work?"
Maren lifted her head, glancing from left to right as all eyes landed on her. She swallowed, straightening her back. "My daddy owns a bookshop."
"Ooh, how interesting." She feigned enthusiasm. "Does he like reading?"
"Yeah, he does," Maren enjoyed talking about her parents, "which is why he never sells his books," but she could overstep at times.
The teacher furrowed her brows, her lips parting. "Oh."
"My other daddy says he's centi mento." She tried her best to pronounce the word Maren thought she'd heard. Crowley spoke too fast for her to understand at points, using too many words at once when his emotions were at their peak.
Aziraphale didn't trust her with handling his books, and instead of reading her stories, he'd read her the English Dictionary to improve her vocabulary without teaching her to read. But she'd find herself falling asleep once they were a few pages through the book.
Her skills would improve more when she was in pre-school. Maren would sit in this little book corner, reading anything that appealed to her. And though her teachers worried about her antisocial habits, the young girl was quite content with the independence reading granted her.
The teacher rubbed the back of her neck, stammering. "And what does your other daddy do?"
She blinked, stating with a nonchalant tone of voice. "He works in Hell."
"Oh, um, Maren, we don't say that word here." She hoped none of the kids would repeat it -- the teachers already had enough of them swearing from time to time. "Does your daddy mean his job is really hard?"
"Not really. He just doesn't like it." Crowley enjoyed the little things he did to mess up society, but he hated taking orders. Lucifer proclaimed they would be free to do anything -- only that meant they weren't bound by the rules of Heaven anymore. "He used to work for God, and then he fell down something," she imagined he tripped down the stairs and couldn't get back up again, "so then he started working for the Devil."