Day 1: "1 million dollar prize."

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October 31st, 2024, one of the coldest days of the year:
"Good morning, New York!" "There have been reports stating that our citizens, whom in which were powerless prior to the news, now have powers that function from voice command." "What does this mean?" "People throughout all of New York have suddenly gained powers even if they did not have one previously." "That's right, infant children, grown adults, and even elderly are receiving powers!" "These powers only work if one calls out their power name," "If one were to give it a name, that will be what saves you from now on." "Keep in mind, though...each power differs, so use them with utmost caution." "Thank you." "Despite not knowing what exactly this means, we can only hope for the best outcomes." "Stay safe tonight, take care."

This one report shook up the entire United States of America! Millions concerned themselves over whether or not they were going to get a power!
Those who actually received their powers asked:
Will it hurt me? Will I know how to use it? What is its purpose? Why today, October 31st of all days?
Am I....
These were just a few of the common questions asked!

Now, January 1st, 2025:
The news reporter had returned and gave an even bigger announcement!
"Since last reported, the entire country of the U.S has received a power!" "Shall this phenomenon continue, the entire world will be granted a power!!" "As expected, many criminals are using their newly acquired powers to their advantage, causing mass destruction across the most populated cities!" "Specifically, one of THE largest and most populated cities in the United States, New York City." "Crime has greatly increased," "And yet, so has it decreased?" "Officers that were without power, now are stronger than ever and putting a stop to crime!" "The real question is: which side will rule over by a majority?" "A wealthy business owner named Lewis Thompson is taking action on the matter by creating a competition that anyone can join, regardless of their identity." "A competition amongst thousands of people to see who has the best and most creative power!"  "The rules are: state your name, age, power name, power demonstration, and lastly, your reason as to why you should be the winner." "The competition began in December and almost everyone that signed up for it, is now eliminated." "There are currently seven participants left!" "On the 27th of this month, the winner will be revealed." "The winner of this competition shall receive a 1-million-dollar prize!" "Will greed take over and allow the winner to be targeted?" "Or will the people of New York be responsible and allow the winner to win fairly?" "That is up to them."
The television that broadcasted the news shut off. Meanwhile, the introduction video of the seven remaining participants played even on an officer's phone!

The first contestant revealed himself!!

The man's voice sounded like a singer using an insane amount of autotune!!!! Did the video glitch, perhaps?

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The man's voice sounded like a singer using an insane amount of autotune!!!! Did the video glitch, perhaps?

"🎼I'm 23 years old, and my power is supeeeerrr coooooolllll🎼"
Nope, it was definitely his voice....
"As long as I scrrrrREAM the name "Funnnky Songggg," I will awaken this power!!!!" "The LOUDERRRRR my voice gets, the STRONGERRRRRR the force of my fists gets!!!!"
"Here's an exxxxxxxxaaammmple🎶"  "Aaaaaa" He tried to punch his wall...
"OUCHH" His voice got higher, but the pain was intentional!
*Bang!* A crack formed in his wall!!
"Isn't that SUUUUUUUPEEEERRRR COOOLLL!!??" He cried out.
A massive hole formed in his walls!!!!!!!!
"Sick, huuhhh??🎶" He dropped down his glasses and winked. "I will win solely handsome charm will have you just dyinggg for meeee!!!🎶"
Cocky, isn't he? But apparently there was some charm to him...! He immediately gained popularity once his video released!
Here's some background information: he uses nearly an entire jar of hair gel in a week! ...His spiky hair must have been what got him so close to the prize!!

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