Day 5: "Hamoa Beach."

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Song used: "Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.
Hour long edit done by the channel, "i will try to fix you."

Let's take a step back for a moment.....
Not thirty-seven years back, but about five...
Have you ever wanted to reverse time and fix the mistakes you have made? ...Scratch that, have you ever wanted to reverse time to fix the mistakes someone else has made? Humans dominate the Earth. We as people have the power to kill. We remove what we think isn't right.
However, we also protect what we think needs saving.
How often do we protect than we do destroy, though? One good action cannot fix the deaths of millions.
There is no such thing as fixing the world, but we can try.
They definitely tried.

One year prior to the game show Eucalyptus and Ronald were in, it was in the year of 2019, on Hamoa Beach: Five years ago, there were five men. Five men, yet one entire ocean. What could mere, terrorizing, enviornment-destroying humans possibly do to have a positive impact on the ocean?
Try to help its creatures, of course!
It was a summer night on the beach, that much was apparent; it was hot outside, but not too hot due to the balance between the wind and heat. Like twins, the waves of the ocean and the cool breeze were inseparable. Everywhere the wind blew, the ocean had followed. It was a calm night for this beach... just like any other. But what about the animals on this beach?
   They most certainly were NOT calm!! 
Only one day of being alive, and yet, baby turtles were already getting a real taste of the world.
Before the day transformed into night, there was a break-in. Those who made it inside this beach had the intention of vandalism.
They had trashed this beach badly.
Plastic from food, plastic from shopping bags, plastic from water bottles, there was so much plastic spread out all over the ocean.
*Gargle* In an attempt to breathe, a turtle had nearly gagged as pieces of a grocery bag was ingested. Unfortunately, it didn't stop at plastic.
Cigarette butts, metal cans, and glasses from alcoholic beverages were scattered within the sand. A few crabs were already trying to get out of the busy waves of the ocean, but another obstacle stood in their way. *step* *step*           *STABBBB!!!!*  A small cast of crabs tried to move away as far as they could see, but then......were pierced by shards of glass.....

This beach would experience another break-in that night. This time....was different, though....
Near the gate in which the beach was being guarded, a man had approached. A real tall guy with blonde hair and blue eyes had been staring for a moment.

"Pft-" He laughed at the sign that said, "No trespassing!"
"Too little too freaking late...!" He then revealed his power! In a way.....? A small step had seemingly been created, was invisible! This guy had the power to create small invisible objects. What is the most appropriate creation right now? Stairs, the man had made stairs with his little blocks!
*Leap!* He hopped on each one! Like an Irish dancer, he glided his feet up each step with style! After climbing, he then.....JUMPED! He made it on to the beach, completely passing the gate! Similar to a Mexican grito, he cried out to his group, "aaaAAAyyyyyAhahAAYYyy!!!!" "Check it, gang!!!!" "Your leader got you up to the toooop!!!!" He bragged.
(Ailani, the leader of the five-person gang, also known as "anus") why the nickname....? let's just say he's not the nicest of leaders, but deep down, he's a good guy, but y'know....he can't let his team know that....
that's why...he's anus.

"You MAY have gotten to the top, ANUS,  but are you MAN ENOUGH to get to the top in under THREEE SECONDS!?!?!?" An insanely muscular man had challenged him. He was so beefy, the veins in his forehead were practically bulging out!! he's not even angry either, it just does that....
(Koane, the brawns of the group, is also known as killer because.....he's very sweet..)


"......." "WATCH MEEEEEEE!!!!!" He roared. Practically missing each step, he simply took a leap of faith.........!

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