"A cold and bitter taste." (Part 2)

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Returning to the 90s, specifically 1991, January 2nd:
From the moment they walked into each other's lives, they knew they couldn't leave.
If John and Adelaide did not meet, then....there would be no story to tell.
"Ah!" "Goodness!!" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep staring at you....!" "I mean, it's not that I don't want to stare at you, I mean....GAH!" "Shut up, Adelaide....!" "I probably freaked him out enough....." She rambled as she quickly backed away from Steinberg, beginning to head to her hotel room.

"You did not freak me out at all, what could make you think that?" He replied, completely shocking Adalaide!

("DID HE JUST REPLY TO ME!?") .... "Huh?" From losing her mind within her thoughts, she then questioned out loud.

"Do you have a weapon?" He suddenly asked.       


"You heard me, do you have an outrageously sharp katana?" "A rifle that can knock me out into the heavens?" "Or perhaps a power that could quite literally destroy anything by just one touch or one word?"

Awkwardly, she stood there, debating on whether or not that was a hypothetical question... "No....." She declined.

"Then why would you freak me out?"

"Because.....I'm not the most approachable person..."

"False." He claimed.                        "How so?"

"You are quite approachable because we just bumped into each other." "Basically, I approached you."
".....Do not underestimate yourself." He stated as he began to make his exit.

Meeting her celebrity crush did not turn out how she expected it to, but.....not in a bad way....
In fact, it was a comfortable experience......

"Thank you...."                              He then smiled in return.

"Wow.....just like that......I met John Steinburg...that fast!!" "He.....acknoledged me.....and I was...of course, awkward, but not too awkward!!" "Yay!!" She jumped with glee! "Look at you, Adelaide," She continued to talk to herself. "You did it!"

.....this experience would go on for a couple decades, actually........

"Huh." She noticed something. "JOHN LEFT WITHOUT HIS LUGGAGE????" She shouted.....way too loud....and most definitely woke up anyone who was asleep...!
"Eeeeekkk!!!" She rushed out of the hotel door with the luggage within her grasp!!
She hurriedly picked up her feet! With the speed she was going at, she could possibly beat the cars that were driving by!! In a desperate search, she analyzed the street.
Left, right, left, right, she swerved her head back and forth, trying to decide where she should go.
....Time passed by and she could not find him....
"Just how far did he travel!?!?" She had wondered.
She continued to explore the busy night streets of New York until......*Tap!*

"Excuse me, but I've been looking everywhere for you!!" John had stopped her!

"YOU HAVE??" "I was trying to find YOU!"

"Oh, goodness." John had facepalmed. "You see, you think you that you are awkward...." "But..that's only because everyone is!" "I am a prime example of awkward, really...."


"I do not know how I forgot my luggage; I mean...." *Sighs* "Thank you...." "Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No need to apologise!!" "In fact, I should be thanking you...." Adelaide began. "For a second, I...call me pathetic all you want, but.....I didn't feel ashamed for being myself for once...." "Despite knowing who you are from the news, you are a stranger to me and.....for a stranger to make me feel comfortable....I really appreciate it...!" She exclaimed with the warmest smile.
In that instance, she truly was comfortable. She did not stutter or freeze mid-conversation, she opened up to a celebrity!

Je t'aime, Je t'aime !!: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now