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I stayed in his room for a while, a bit of snooping around. For some reason, this kid had bags and BAGS of chips. This kinda freaked you out. Backing away from the chips and giving offerings of paper and pens to keep them on your good side. Hail the chips. 😂

You laid on his bed, thinking of how your mom is doing. I bet she's worried sick. Maybe I could send her a letter somehow. Yeah, I could do that and Hunter could send it to her for me.

I walked over to his desk and sat on the stool. Doing a little victory spin for no reason seemed nice. So that's what I did, a little spin. That was noice.

I rummaged through his drawers and found some paper and a pen I didn't sacrifice to the chips.

Flattening the paper, I began to write.

"Dear mom,

I hope your doing well. Also, there's no need worry.

I'm in sorta safe hands and it's actually pretty inte-

-resting here. Kikimora is a little shit. Hunter is fun.

An absolute dipshit, but fun. Also he has a hamm-

-ock mum. A HAMMOCK! Anyways I just wanted to

Tell you I'm safe and I love you. Take care mom.

Love, y/n"

I sat back and examined my perfect little letter. I hoped my mom would be okay and find this out right.

Just then, the door opened and in came a drowsy looking Hunter. He was holding his hands and flopped on the bed.

I put the letter down and tapped him on the back.

"You good there Hunter buddy?"

He sniffled and turned around. His face was full of dry tears and he looked so very sad. I felt so bad for him.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did that bitch do anything!? TELL MEEEE!!!"

He chuckled a depressed version trying to sound fine but it can't get past me. I sat on the bed and looked at his still clutched hands. 

He stared at the ceiling, slouching down the side of the bed towards the floor.

I went down next to him and crouched. Looking at him. He seemed to be in a depressed daze.

Taking this time, I gently grabbed his hands. He was slightly wearing his gloves and slightly not. I carefully slipped one off and found newly graved cuts. I quickly took the other glove off and found the same thing.

"Who did this to you!? Tell me now idiot!"

He turned to you and grunted.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

You huffed and grabbed his face harshly.

"Tell me!"

He ripped off from your grasp and turned away.

"I don't wanna!!"

I backed away a bit. Maybe I went to far this time.

I sighed then scooted towards him, his back facing towards you.

I'd probably die, but whatever. You slowly snuggled your hands around him and gave him a hug. You'd stayed like this until you could just sense he was calmer.

He turned around while I still koala hugged him and grabbed me back. He squeezed the living death out of you and sniffled.

Then, he began crying muffled random stuff to you that you couldn't even comprehend. And trust me, you knew shit talk.

After a while, he calmed down and still held onto you as if your were a plush animal and dragged you onto his bed. He pet through your hair, eventually dazing off into his own realm of sleep. 

I looked up at the sleeping boy and sighed. This kid has seem more trauma than anyone you could have ever known.

I tried to get out of his hold, but he only tightened his grip, so you just gave up.

It was pretty comfy anyways so meh, might as well stay here and take a nice little nap.

Closing your eyes, you fell asleep quickly with the radiating heat beside you. Their breathe in rhythm with yours. It was nice.. 

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