Chap 1

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I stared at the board trying to find me and Kronii's name together in a class. My eyes lit up as soon as I saw it.

"Kronii!!!! We're in the same class!!!!!" I ran to her and jumped in her arms as I hugged her tightly.

Kronii and I've been dating through our entire years in highschool. This year was our last year together before we head off to college. I looked up and saw Kronii's face red of embarrassment.

"M-mumei we're kind of in p-public right now....."

"Oh, right..." Even though we've been dating, we kept our relationship a secret between us and our closest friends.

"Yo Mumei!!" I turned my head and saw Bae, one of my closest friends waving at me,

"ready to go hang out before our classes start?" I let go of Kronii and went to Bae's side to go to a cafe. I looked back to see Kronii walking away to talk to her twin brother Krono.

I heard the bells ring as I started going to my class. When I entered I stared down at the floor making sure not to make eye contact with anyone and sat at the back of the class waiting for Kronii to come. I started rummaging through my bag to get a pencil when I heard two classmates in front of me start talking about me and Kronii.

"Can you believe that Kronii is dating that freak?"

"Right? Like Kronii deserves someone way better than her"

"Why does Kronii even like that brown hair girl?"

"What was her name again??"

"Nanashi Mumei I think it was"

When I heard the teacher start to settle us down, I sank into my hoodie wanting to disappear. I wanted to run away and cry in a place where no one could find me, (why did Kronii date me?.......I'm a nobody......)

I heard a pair of footsteps walk next to me and sat down. I turned my head to see Kronii. She smiled at me and then turned her head around to pay attention. I felt like I was about to cry until Kronii came in, she always saves me somehow......

When class was over I waited outside for Kronii. I started to text Fauna about my day as I waited.

As I texted I heard two people arguing in the classroom.

"Kronii, I know you're still dating that freakshow."

"What are you talking about Krono?"

"Don't lie to me, sister. You know still dating her is ruining our reputation as the Ouros"

"What are you talking about?!! I told you I'm not dating that freak!!" 

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