Chap 10

272 7 6

I woke up to another day, I looked at my calendar as I sat up. (6 more days till I turn 18 huh?) I got up and grabbed my bandages from under the bed. I started to unwrap my arm and rewrap it with new bandages. The sight of the wound reminded me of my parents' bodies in the hospital. I got up and went downstairs to greet Fauna.

"Mumei, your birthday is the upcoming Friday right? Do you want to do anything for your birthday?" I sat on the couch in silence before I remembered that I had to watch the school theater play with Bae that day. (Should I even go? I promised Bae to be there for Irys but.....whatever I promised)

"Fauna I think I will be out with my friend that day. Maybe when I come back we can do something"


I opened my phone to play some games to pass the time.

"Hey Mumei, we need to stop by the hospital to get more bandages for you"

"Do we go now?"

"Mumei you don't have to go if you don't want to"

"I-It's fine, I'll go with you now"

When we arrived we headed in and gave the front desk my form for my injury. I sat on the couch inside as Fauna continued to buy them. I stared at the ceiling wanting to pass time until I heard some people arguing from across. I looked from behind my couch and saw Kronii and Krono?

"What's wrong with you?! Why would you even try this Kronii?!" Krono slapped Kronii's face hard.

"Why do you care you pathetic excuse of a brother!" Krono grabbed Kronii's arm and lifted it close to her face.

"You really think I wouldn't care about this?!" I looked at Kronii's arm to see what he was talking about. Her arms were full of scars. Some looked like they were scars from before and have healed a bit while some others look new. (Kronii.......why did you cut yourself?...)

"Mumei, I bought them, we can go now"

"r-right let's go." When we got back I thought of Kronii's arm. (I never noticed her cuts before when we were dating......) the thought of Kronii hurting herself was making my heart ache.

"Mumei you okay?"

"Yea....just tried today"

"Then you should go to sleep to rest up"


(Kronii's pov)

I came back from the hospital as my brother dragged me back to my room.

"Kronii, if I catch you again, I'm going to tell my father!"

He said as he slammed my door and left. (Maybe I should end everything if I don't succeed with Irys's's not like I haven't tried.....) I thought as I looked over at my closet to see a tiny bit of rope hanging behind it there.

(Mumei, you're the only reason why I'm still alive......)

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