Chap 16

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(Mumei's pov)

I looked at Kronii who I could see was sweating from my distance.

"H-Hi, everyone..." I heard Kronii speak through the microphone as I paid more attention to her.

"You all know who I am..." I heard people in the crowd start to murmur in confusion about this.

"I just want to say that I, Ouro Kronii, love Nanashi Mumei!" My face turned red when she said that while everyone in the crowd started to get even more confused.

"Mumei, I know I've treated you seriously badly, I want to say I'm sorry. I know my 'sorries' won't fix anything that I have done, but I just want to say it. Mumei, I know I haven't been the best to you, but I really really do love you with my entire soul. Mumei, you make me crazy, everything about you does! I don't know why I hid my relationship with you because of a stupid reputation. Mumei, I'm not asking you to forgive me so quickly, but I am asking you to please give me a second chance....." my heart started to pound with her words.

"Mumei, I know my words won't do as much, but, I know my actions will." I saw Kronii start to walk off the stage with the light still pointing at her as she walked. She slowly walked towards me and grabbed something out of her pocket. She stood in front of me and smiled.

"Mumei, I bought this after our first date because I knew that I will never love anyone else but you and that you'll be the girl I'll marry someday." I saw Kronii get down on one knee and opened the box slowly.

"Miss Nanashi Mumei, will you please become mine forever and marry me?" 

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