Chap 11

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I rolled myself over the bed as I realized that it was the next day. I got up and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. I turned on the faucet as water started to run. I cupped my hands as I tried to grab water. I splashed cold water on my face as I looked in the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I saw Mumei with blood all over her clothes. I turned around and saw no one there. (I'm starting to hallucinate?.....) I turned off the faucet as I grabbed my clothes. I rummaged through my clothes to find long sleeves but I couldn't, they were all short sleeves leaving my scars exposed. I grabbed the bandages that my brother bought and started to wrap my arms. My arms looked like I got in an accident. I grabbed my bag as I headed for school.

When I arrived everyone stared at me in the hallways. Their attention was all focused on my arms. In the crowd I saw Mumei looking at my arms. Her expression looked scared.

(I-I don't want Mumei to be scared of me because of my arms.......) I gripped my bag as I tried to push through the crowd to go to my class. When I sat down everyone was staring at me. The staring was reminding me of when my father would get disappointed. I saw Mumei walk in as class was about to start. I could feel the sensation of being stared at, I looked behind me as Mumei stared at me. I turned my head back around as I held my arms close together hoping that it would be a bit more hidden.

When class ended I grabbed my stuff and saw that Mumei was the first to leave. (Did I scare her?.....)

"Miss Ouro, please see me by my desk after you're done packing."

"y-yes sir" I quickly packed my stuff up and went to his desk.

"Miss Ouro, as you know you're one of my top students in this class, however lately your grades have been slipping. Is there a reason you'd like to tell me?"

I stood there as I realized that it started to slip when Mumei called off our relationship.

"Sorry sir, I've just been tired"

"Then I hope you'll get some rest and get your grades back up." I gripped my bag tightly as I left the classroom. (I can't stand Mumei being scared of me......) I grabbed my phone and scrolled my contacts and called Calli.

"Hello? Kronii do you need something?"

"Can you pick me up right now?"

"But don't you need to finish your classes?"

"It''s something personal"

"Ok then... I'll be there in 10" I hung up the call as I looked at the time. (My next class is about to start's another class with Mumei as well...) I closed my phone as I went to the front lobby and waited in an empty room. (I don't wanna scare her anymore....) I rested my head against the wall waiting for time to pass.

When I opened my eyes I heard my phone ring.

"Kronii, I'm here" I closed my phone and exited the empty room. There I went outside and got in the black SUV.

When I got back I went to my room and threw my stuff on the ground. I layed in my bed as I heard a notification go off. I opened my phone and saw a text from Calli,

[if you need anything else just let me know]

I stared at that notification for a long time till I saw my background picture of Mumei again. I scrolled through my phone and opened up my photos. I clicked on an album that says 'Mumei' and opened it up. There I saw all the times I've spent with her. I felt my pillow get wet as I realized that I'm crying?....

I closed my phone and my eyes as I kept thinking of her. (Mumei.....I miss you so much.....)

When I woke up the following day, I felt like shit. Everyday is the same without Mumei...

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