Chap 12

254 9 1

(Mumei's pov)

(3 days have passed)

I woke up and looked at the calendar. (Tomorrow's my birthday huh?) I stared at the calendar like I'm marking a death date for myself. I got up and got dressed, there I walked out and walked to school. When I got there I saw Kronii wearing long sleeves instead of short ones. I started to remember what I saw yesterday of Kronii. (Her arms were wrapped all the way....) I slapped my head trying to think of something else till my train of thought got stopped by Bae.

"Mumei!!" I looked behind me and saw Bae running up to me.

"Yes?" I said in a confused voice.

"Irys kissed me!! And now I don't know what to do!!"

"Kiss her back"

"Mumei I asked for help not advice!!"

"But you did"

"I-I stfu!" I giggled as she got embarrassed. I grabbed Bae's hand and dragged her to our next class. I kept walking through the halls as I kept seeing posters about the theater play tomorrow. I started to even wonder if I should go. I still love Kronii, but seeing her would make that more stronger.

"Bae should I go tomorrow?"

"Mumei you promised to remember!!!" She said as she started to shake my body back and forth. When we got to class I sat in the back while Bae sat next to me. I rested my head in my arms as I started to doze off.

"Kronii?" I said as I saw her in my room?

Kronii started to walk towards me and eventually kabedoning me to the wall.

"K-Kronii, what are you doing here?" I asked in a confused tone.

Kronii pressed her lips towards mine as she kissed me. "mhm?!" I felt Kronii's tongue trying to break into my mouth as we kissed. My body felt weak as I started to give in. I let out brief moans as she kept going at it. I felt Kronii start to pick up both of my thighs as she raised me against the wall. (What am I doing? I should be stopping her but...myself isn't letting me...) My mind felt fuzzy and warm as we kept parting to breathe. I felt my body being shaken as my head jolted and went straight up and ended up hitting the wall. My mind was processing what was happening till I realized (I was a dream)

"Miss Nanashi, what's the answer to this question?"

I started to look at the board as I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Number 7" Bae said as she whispered it to my ears



"You idiot, 7 was the question number!"


I leaned back against the chair as I realized what I dreamt of. I gently touched my lips with my fingertips as my face turned red. (It felt so real....) I laid my head back in my arm as I aimlessly thought. (Kronii.....what are you doing to me to make me feel this way....) 

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