Welcome to the World

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Charlotte's POV

I was born inside a small cage with two other siblings, the place seemed huge, I comfortably cuddled up to my mother and my siblings as we fed ourselves on mother's milk.
Our mother always seemed scared, when we got a little older we understood a little better, large two legged, pale-skinned creatures would walk by us and look at us, mother explained the creatures were called "humans", and they used mice for many different scary things.

There were so many different scary things humans did to mice, they'd freeze mice alive, feed mice to giant scaly monsters called snakes and lizards, or reptiles for short, set out traps that'd snap our spines in half or leave us permanently stuck to giant plates covered in a sticky goo, step on mice, give mice to their offspring to torture... One of my worst fears was this thing called "testing". It's where many mice along with other creatures, like our rat relatives, are gathered into this huge room with lights, sharp objects, and tons of people. Every creature, including mice, gets killed one by one, but before they get killed, the humans do things to them, like inject strange liquids into their bodies with a hollow needle, cut open their bodies with sharp knives, take out their organs and replace them with weird robot-like parts.
I've even heard scary stories of mice being forced to swim in large tubes of water or get stitched together in these "tests".

I clung tight to mother every single night hoping and praying none of us would end up in the belly of a reptile or stuck in a trap, or cut apart in a laboratory. I was really scared, I got even more scared watching other mice in nearby cages get taken away never to be seen again, some of the other mice get so scared... They die from fear...

I just hope I don't die...

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