Moxxie and Friends

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Charlotte's POV:

"Who are you two?" The bird said looming over the cage we were in. I mustered up some confidence and spoke "I'm Charlotte.. I'm with my friend Sunshine". Sunshine came over to say hi to the bird.

"People call me Moxxie, Moxxie the cockatoo" The bird said, I've never heard of a cockatoo before. He must have been some type of parrot, he had the features of one. Moxxie lifted the ceiling of the cage and extended his wing in it, he then gently pat mine and Sunshine's heads. "Nice to meet you, you're lucky to be here" Moxxie said, "What do you mean by lucky?" I asked. "You see, you have arrived to the heart of animal rescue, Demons Saving Animals. A sanctuary for many creatures great and small, all animals here get the love and affection they need to thrive. This place is ran and protected by a trio of demons that dedicate their hatred for humans to protecting us. That one demon you saw, that's Lord Tabby the computer demon, she's famous around the world for so many things, from making art, to rescuing animals like you and me".

Moxxie then pointed to a poster hanging on the wall, it was Lord Tabby holding up some sort of trophy, she looked really happy. "This Lord Tabby must have such a good life?" I asked. "Most days, but some days are rough for her, sometimes some of the rescued animals that come in are too far gone from previous situations and don't make it... Then there's these evil humans that try to take her down, they don't like the idea of a demon doing good, demons are rumored to be evil creatures. But Lord Tabby is different, she's always been different, she never liked being like others. I mean others are rude and disgusting, why would anyone wanna be that way?" Moxxie held his head down "I nearly got kidnapped because a woman failed to stop Lord Tabby from rescuing me, this woman was known for wanting all parrots to be miserable".

"That sounds awful... Where did you come from" I asked Moxxie. "When I was first born, I hatched out of my egg under a large lamp with other cockatoos. I was used to make money for a human. When I got older, I was held down and had this purple bracelet strapped to my leg to label me" Moxxie lifted his foot revealing the bracelet with a strange writing on it. "I then was purchased by a woman, I thought I was getting a home. But it wasn't home, it was a tiny cage I could hardly stretch my wings in, I was fed food that was tasty, but not healthy. Nine years later, I was taken away from that woman by a police officer, he kept me for two years but due to his job protecting other humans, he couldn't watch me anymore. So he put a picture of me up on the internet as an advertisement, many people saw the ad but showed no interest in me.. Until Lord Tabby found the ad, she came to save me, she knew what I needed. I've never felt this good in years, I don't think I've ever felt this good in my life" Moxxie looked at his wings checking himself out.

"I remember when I first met Lord Tabby. I'm Waffles by the way". A cat meowed hoping on a nearby table, I backed up a little in fear "Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you. I prefer fresh cat food out of the fridge anyway, Lord Tabby saved me from having to chase down mice just to get a decent meal". The cat explained, this cat was a girl cat. "Where'd you come from Waffles?" I asked her.

"Well for me, I was born in a place called a barn. It felt warm and nice for a while, until my mother left and I grew older. When I got older, I struggled to find food, I had to eat whatever the humans threw away or chase down a mouse. One day there was none of that around, so I looked around until I saw something gruesome, it was a pile of dead cows. I didn't want to eat them, but unfortunately it was one of the few food sources there was. One day I decided to explore where the bodies came from, I found the source, which I wish I could unsee. There were thousands of cows locked up in wooden pens, eating a yellow grass and laying in their own filth, humans would come by and hit the cows or pull their tails hard to make them get up, all so humans can take this liquid from them called milk. One cow got hit so hard by a human that blood mixed with her milk, I think she died that night... The humans would sometimes give me milk to drink, it tasted good, but afterwards I'd get a tummy ache, my body was not meant for milk. As the days passed, things got worse for me, a dog came to the farm one day and got starved like I did, so starved he'd try to eat us. When I wasn't running from the dog, I had to run from human children that wanted to throw me around like a ball. One day all of that came to an end when Lord Tabby showed up and took me away, she took me to her home and showed me things, like food that tasted so much better than trash and dead cows, toys I could play with everyday at any time, and places I could sleep anywhere. I never had to suffer again".

All of these animals had great stories to tell, listening to them all made me relax.

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