A New Home

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Charlotte's POV:

One day I was sleeping while Sunshine was keeping watch, there wasn't really anything exciting. A couple humans came in, one man with an animal called a dog, seems like these dogs have better lives than mice, there was a mother human that came in with a child, the child came to our cage and looked at us.

"Look at the cute mice" the mother said. "Mommy can we get one?" The child replied, "Not now sweetie". The mother and child then left, what is it with human children and small animals? I kinda woke up from my sleep, I wasn't all the way awake, which is why I thought I was dreaming when I caught a strange sight from the side of the cage. Something walked by the isle we were in, but it wasn't human, it wasn't any animal I seen or heard of before. By the time I woke up all the way, all I saw was what looked like a long tail, with some strange looking spike on the end, it was all black except for the very tip of the spike, which was red.

I went to tell Sunshine about the strange creature I caught sight of. "Did snakes evolve and grow legs!?!?" I panicked, "Charlotte you weren't kidding when you said you were dreaming". Sunshine laughed, "Sunshine I don't know if it was a dream". My thoughts and words were cut off when a human opened the cage and grabbed Sunshine "SUNSHINE NO!!" I panicked more and ran around the cage trying to escape the human, but my struggling was effortless as I was snatched up too and put in a box with Sunshine.
Then everything went dark as the box was closed, I peeked out of a small hole in the box, I saw that tail again.

"Since it's your birthday today, you can have these mice for free" The human that snatched us up said. What did "free" mean? Who was that human talking to? Once again thoughts were interrupted when we felt movement, we were carried into something that started moving again. I started getting flashbacks from when I was separated from my family, my mother... My sisters... I started crying again thinking I would meet my fate, possibly the same fate my family met. Sunshine came to my side to comfort me, at least I still had her, I was so scared to die, I didn't wanna die.

After about an hour, maybe two hours, I felt us stop moving, the world felt still. At least for a second, them I felt a jolt of movement which slowed down, almost like whoever had us realized they're carrying us and cared about us. I peeked outside the hole again, I saw trees, and grass, and flowers. There were also birds, lots of them, gathered on a pole with two cages holding what looked like food in them, the birds ate out of the square cages.

But then that stuff was gone, I looked around trying to figure out where we were, then the movement stopped again, I heard a sound. The box was opened up, I saw two large orange eyes, they looked like snake eyes. Me and Sunshine ran around the box trying to avoid being eaten, after all this time, I was gonna be eaten! Sunshine was grabbed first and taken out of the box. I panicked and tried to hide in the corner of the box not wanting to see what was gonna become of Sunshine.

But Sunshine wasn't killed, and I wasn't gonna be either. I could hear Sunshine run around sounding almost amazed at what she saw. I was grabbed next, this feeling though, it wasn't rough like the way that human grabbed me. This grab was gentle, almost soothing, although the sight wasn't as calming. That orange eyed creature was holding me, the same creature with the long tail, its body looked feminine, and it had breasts covered by some sort of thick clothing. So the creature was female.
She also had this flat face, like the flat thing sitting on her desk, which I heard was called a computer, she had a computer for a head. She also had large black wings behind her with two red diamond shapes on both wings. "You look scared, you sweet thing, go join your friend. There's food, water, toys, and I made sure to add extra bedding". the female creature spoke before setting me in another cage with Sunshine, there was empathy in the creature's voice, she didn't seem interested in killing us.

"There, a much better sight than in a snake's mouth or in a laboratory, ugh. Labs that test on animals are disgusting. Thankfully you two will never have to worry. Now, I'm gonna go get some dinner, you two check out your new home". The creature then spoke before leaving. I looked around the place, it wasn't so bad, there were places to hide, there was wood to chew on, there was food. There was even a tube that led up into a small tower outside of the cage, it was kinda cool.

I spotted Sunshine at a pile of food and joined her in the meal, there was a bunch of different seeds, fruit, and veggies, it was so much more interesting and tasty than the food in that last cage. This place was better than where we were, no more being overcrowded by other mice, it was just me and Sunshine. There weren't even and other animals in this creature's home.

Well that's what I thought until I heard something, I looked around until I saw some cats.. I heard cats are enemies of mice, I also saw more fish and snails.  Then I saw a large bird open the cage he was in, he climbed down the cage and flew to us.

"Hello there" He said.

A Tale of Two Mice Where stories live. Discover now