From Abuse to Adoption

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Charlotte's POV:

Moxxie and Waffles had great stories to tell, I could wait to hear about the other animals. A fluffier grey and white cat joined the conversation "I still remember when Lord Tabby pulled me out of the roof of a shed, I was just a kitten" he meowed "I remember that day too Stormy, I took care of you when your mom was gone" Waffles stated. A third cat then joined the conversation "I hope you're here to meet our new friends, not eat them Winslow" Waffles hissed "Or me" Moxxie followed.

"No no no, I just had to see what you were all talking about" Winslow meowed himself. "Waffles you and I have similar stories, although I didn't have to eat dead cows, but neither was I born in a barn. My mom ran off too and left me to fend for myself, but I wasn't able to keep my stomach filled as well as you, I almost died. Lord Tabby found me in the woods and knew what I needed, she taught me how to drink water even". Winslow explained.

I then heard a tapping noise on glass, I thought it was on our cage, but then I looked over and discovered it was the fish and snails trying to get our attention "You should have seen the conditions we were swimming in before we came to this paradise" one fish said "We were swimming with our own filth and the corpses of friends and relatives all day everyday. We didn't even have all this fun stuff to play in" another fish said. "We were alone in a tank full of plants, there wasn't anything exciting. But this tank has so many colorful rocks and plants" A snail said.

"You see, everyone here had horrible lives until they came here, I promise you're safe" Moxxie cooed. And Moxxie was right, we were safe, we didn't have to fear becoming snake food, lab equipment, or a toy. Nor did we have to fear being stuck and killed in a trap, because that was never gonna happen.

Lord Tabby came back after an hour, she greeted every animal in the house with her love and affection, she first went to Moxxie, gave him a treat then let him climb on her shoulder. Waffles, Stormy and Winslow all got fancy dishes filled with a mush with chunks of meat topped with little cat treats, they ate that up fast. The fish and snails got a flaky food and some liquid poured into the tank that made the water cleaner and healthier for the fish and snails.

Then there was us, Lord Tabby took the ceiling off our tank and picked both of us up. She held us close to her chest "I'm so glad I got you two, all of you animals make me so happy" she then spoke petting us as she nuzzled her head against Moxxie, he kissed her cheek and nuzzled right back. I could say the same, I'm glad I got this demon, her affection spreads throughout the whole sanctuary, maybe beyond.

We were finally safe and sound.

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