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Charlotte's POV:

One day we were sleeping, for a second I was actually sleeping peacefully, I was in a happy dream where I forgot all about the scary stuff I feared that could possibly happen to me. But that dream got cut short fast by an unpleasant and horrific wake up call. Me and my siblings woke up to our mother being taken away from us, we all tried hard to get the human to let go of our mother but it was no use....

Before we knew it, we were being taken out of the cage too, we were all separated into different cages, I got put in one cage while my siblings were dropped in another, I couldn't see where my mother was taken too. I looked everywhere, I looked at different cages with different labels, I finally spotted her in a cage with other mice, the cage had some label on in. "Feeders" it said, what did "Feeders" mean?

I looked back at the cage my siblings were in, I looked at the label on that one that said "Lab Equipment #521". I tried to piece together what the signs meant, I couldn't figure it out, I was so shook up at the sudden turn of events. Before I even had time to figure things out, we were put in a dark area and taken away. I could feel the cage moving, but it felt still at the same time. I buried myself in what little bedding there was to try to comfort myself, I could feel other mice walking on top of me in a panic.

After what felt like forever, I finally saw light, the cage was lifted by another human, we all got dumped into another cage with see through walls called "glass". I looked around frantically trying to figure out what's going on, I tried to escape, but after awhile of useless struggles, I gave up. I realized that there were other mice in the cage before us.

One mouse walked up to me to try and comfort me "Hey are you okay?" She asked.

A Tale of Two Mice Where stories live. Discover now