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AFTER HIS HEIR NEARLY STARTED A WAR, KING AERYS II has decided to name a new heir from his remaining three children, his eldest daughter Princess Shaena, his second son, Prince Viserys, and his youngest daughter Princess Daenerys. None of them worthy for the throne in the King's eyes, but he wants his children to prove their worth.

ELAENA HIGHTOWER is the second daughter to
Baelor and Rhonda Hightower. To all that know her, she's a mystery. She mainly keeps to herself due to an incident that forced her and her family to leave King's Landing in her youth. Elaena is a wildcard. She knows what people want and she knows just how to make them do whatever she wants. She's dangerous. Especially to a certain little dragon. Which is why she has no interest in playing the game.

DAENERYS TARGARYEN is the last born to King Aerys and his wife Rhaella. Described by many as a miracle, she's the only Targaryen in history to be bonded to three dragons. She has no interest in duty and can be rather impulsive but there is a part of Daenerys that knows she's meant for something bigger. Meant for the throne. Unfortunately, Elaena is her only hope and Daenerys doesn't know how to cope with being in her presence after so many years.

JOCELYN HIGHTOWER is the eldest of the Hightower children. She is an intelligent woman who wants only to see her family succeed. She knows nothing but duty and is the perfection to her sister's imperfection. She would do anything for her siblings, lie, kill, and manipulate. Honor means nothing to Jocelyn which is difficult when it means everything to the woman she wants to make queen.

SHAENA TARGARYEN is the eldest daughter and second-born child to King Aerys. Shaena is nothing but a gentle and kind soul. She is beloved by both the small folk and nobles. She's diplomatic but doesn't want to play the game. She dislikes lies and deception. She's a favorable choice for the Iron Throne but her father thinks that she's too soft and will crumple under the duty the crown requires. That's why Shaena needs Jocelyn.

MARGAERY TYRELL wants to be queen. She was too young to marry Prince Rhaegar, so Margaery found satisfaction in playing the game. When she learns that the single Prince Viserys has a chance at the throne she intends to not only make him a contender for the throne but to marry him as well. The only problem with that is a certain redhead from the North who Margaery seems unable to stay away from.

SANSA STARK is the eldest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. In order to maintain peace after the actions of Prince Rhaegar, Sansa is sent to King's Landing as a ward of the throne. She knows her role is to keep the peace and so Sansa is the perfect lady, never forgetting her manners. A great beauty in the North, Sansa feels she goes unnoticed surrounded by the beauties of the South, which is why she can't understand why she's getting the attention of a certain Tyrell.

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