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299 A.C.

"WE HAVE GUESTS COMING TO THE CAPITOL," BAELOR INFORMS HIS YOUNGEST DAUGHTER. Elaena looks at her father wondering why he had summoned her to inform her of guests arriving in the capitol.

"Wonderful," Elaena responds, "May I ask why you felt the need to tell me specifically?"

Baelor taps his fingers against the table, "I want to warn you against – having relations with these guests."

Elaena's brow furrowed, "I'm sorry?"

Baelor bites his lip thoughtfully and she can tell that he's thinking carefully about how to deliver this to his daughter, "Prince Oberyn and Lady Cersei are – very – promiscuous. It is well-known that they invite others to share their bed."

"And you think I'd say yes to an invitation?" Elaena asks her father.

"Well – yes," her father says, "If not for the fun, then for an opportunity to gain information on the Lannisters."

"First, I'm flattered that you believe that I'd receive an invitation into their bed. Second, I'm insulted that you think I sleep with others for political gain. Every partner I've had has been focused purely on their pleasure, I am not responsible for what they say in the throes of passion."

Baelor clears his throat, "And while we are close Elaena, I would prefer not to hear what happens in your bedroom."

"You opened the door to this conversation when you kindly instructed me who not to bring into my bed," Elaena responds with a smile.

Baelor nods his head, "I can see that now."

Elaena chuckles, "I will try to steer clear Father, but I cannot make any promises. Cersei Lannister was once a famed beauty. That was until I came along."

Baelor shakes his head, "Well I have to speak to your sister as well. She is to stay away from the son of Cersei and Oberyn."

Elaena looks at her father curiously, "And why's that?"

"He is to ask for the Princess's hand, but you know how your sister is around the handsome ones," her father states.

"Yes, she lacks dignity," Elaena mutters, "Well hopefully she keeps her attention on Ser Jaime. Or perhaps it is time you make her a match."

"I promised your sister that she could make her own match," Baelor shares.

"Well Jocelyn is getting older," Elaena says, "Perhaps it's time they you make her find a husband. I'd hate for her to die barren and unmarried and then I must be Lady of Oldtown. I was not born for such duties."

"You could do it," her father speaks, and Elaena looks at him curiously.

"I could do what?"

"Be Lady of Oldtown," Baelor states. Elaena stares at her father as she absorbs the information before she looks down bashfully.

"Father, you shouldn't tell your second child such things," Elaena says with a small smile, "Wouldn't want me to usurp my sister's seat, would you?"

Baelor chuckles, "You wouldn't. You're too honorable."

"Not many would agree with you. I killed the prince."

"In defense of the Princess," Baelor states, "You didn't maliciously kill him. Anyone at the castle could see you and Jaehaerys were a good match. But in the end, your loyalties to Daenerys had won out."

"Do you think," Elaena begins, "Do you think if Jaehaerys had a dragon it would have played out differently? Or if it hadn't been Daenerys but Shaena that I protected? The way everything played out, it was evident that King Aerys valued Daenerys's life over Jaehaerys."

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