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299 A.C.

SANSA STARK BEGAN HER MORNINGS IN THE GODSWOOD WITHA PRAYER AND READING. SHE PRAYED TO THE OLD GODS TO LOOK AFTER HER MOTHER and father as well as her brothers and Arya. Even though she knew they were safe in the North and that it was she who was vulnerable, she still prayed for their safety.

This morning was different as Sansa saw that there was already someone seated beneath the tree in the Godswood. Lady bounded ahead of Sansa and approached the person, which caused Sansa to rush after her direwolf.

"Lady heel!"

The direwolf glances at Sansa and she obeys the command as she sits. Sansa looks to see who her wolf accosted and her stomach twists as she realizes that it was Elaena Hightower who was sitting there, a book opened in her lap.

"Good morrow Lady," Elaena greets in a soft tone as she looks at the direwolf. She averts her attention to Sansa and a small smile spreads on her lips, "And to you Lady Sansa."

"Good morrow," Sansa greets sheepishly, "I'm sorry to have bothered you. Usually, no one uses the Godswood. So few pray to the Old Gods."

"That is quite true," Elaena says. She then furrows her brows and lets out a laugh as she looks at Sansa, "You must find it weird that I'm here."

"No not at all!" Sansa insists, "I simply spend most of my time in the Godswood, and rarely does anyone come here. It's the only way I feel close to home."

"I couldn't imagine moving so far from my home alone," Elaena says, "You're a brave woman, Sansa Stark."

"When I was a girl, moving South was all I wanted. To see the knights and their chivalry.  To attend tourneys and balls. I was blinded by what I wanted that I never thought about what I had," Sansa says shaking her head. She realizes she's overshared, "Apologies, I didn't mean to put all that on you-"

"I don't mind it at all," Elaena interrupts, "Truth be told, I didn't want to return to this wretched place."

"You think it wretched here?" Sansa asks.

"You don't?" Elaena asks, "The lies and secrets. They change people. No one here is the person they were when they first came."

Sansa shrugs, "I like to think I still am."

"You're not," Elaena responds.

Sansa quirks a brow, "And how would you know?"

Elaena shrugs her shoulders coyly with a smile on her lips, "I just do."

Sansa's eyes narrow playfully as she looks at Elaena, "You know that means you've changed as well."

"I know," Elaena responds, "When I came to King's Landing I was a good girl who cared for the rules and followed my sister everywhere. I visited the Sept every day and prayed to each of the Seven."

"And now?" Sansa wonders.

"Now I don't pray," Elaena responds simply.

Sansa looks at Elaena thoughtfully, she wants to press more but she decides against it. Her eyes dance to the book in Elaena's lap, "Do you enjoy reading?"

"It's the mind's greatest weapon."

"You know I once had tea with Tyrion Lannister," Sansa states, "He told me the same thing."

Elaena lets out a laugh, "You're friends with a Lannister?"

"I didn't say that we were friends, I said we had tea," Sansa corrects with a smile, "And what's wrong with a Lannister?"

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