Chapter One

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(a/n: *steve carell voice* ok, it's happening, people)


Niall - 8.3.14 - 1:45 P.M.
Somehow while Niall Horan sat in his Physics class, he managed to fall into a soft slumber. His head laid on his oakwood desk, his dyed-blonde hair a bit messy while his pink, thin-ish lips were slightly parted. His azure eyes had been closed in the short time he slept peacefully- until a loud 'snap!' awoke him.

He jolted up in his seat, blinking rapidly as he tried his best to slow his heart rate down. A few snickers were heard around the room and Niall wondered what the loud noise was- when he looked up to meet eyes with his professor.

Niall's cheeks flushed to a crimson red as he peered up at his furious teacher, a yard stick in his hand. Now usually Niall wouldn't fall asleep in his classes, ever. But he barely got a wink of sleep the night before, studying for his upcoming finals. He struggled greatly with learning, which is why he spent extra time trying harder.

Niall honestly found it a bit silly to give rambunctious young adults "quiet time" in a Physics class, if you asked him, because things such as these would happen.

"Niall, I understand that being given quiet time can be tempting for you to catch up on sleep," his professor began sternly, with a hint of sarcasm, causing students to snicker once again, "but this given time is meant to be reading, studying or working on assignments; and that is absolutely no excuse to fall asleep, do you hear me?"

Niall nodded frantically, not wanting to get into serious trouble. The tips of his ears burned as he felt everyone's eyes on him while his professor walked back to the front of the room. He silently hit his head multiple times on his desk before sighing and trying his best to pay attention to the lecture.
As the young, Irishman made his way back to his dorm, he didn't get acknowledged, high-fived and smiled at like everybody else. So he simply watched it all happen to others before he made it to his dorm.

He had a roommate, but he never really paid much attention to Niall. He'd go to fraternity parties and come home in the morning, usually intoxicated. Niall didn't like those types of things. Niall liked reading to himself and studying for exams and finals. He was just a quiet person.

Niall shut the door and threw his bag down on the ground, unzipping it and finding his books for Physics so he could start studying for finals. He loved studying. It got his mind off of his disability, as well as reading got his mind off of it. So he clicked on his small lamp, which created a gold streak along his white paper. He clapped his hands together and got ready to begin when the light flickered a bit, then a little more, then went fully out.

Niall stared at the wall with a bored expression, irritated that his lamp decided to go out right now. He sighed and stood up, rolling his blue eyes as he swung his bag back over his shoulder and exited his dorm. Making sure his wallet was in his back pocket, he headed towards the nearest market.
Hazel - 8.3.14 - 2:05 P.M.
Now believe me, Hazel wasn't a big fan of singing, okay? She liked instruments and she liked to listen to music, but she did not like to sing because she wasn't good at it. At all. Hazel believed she sounded like her neighbour's cat when it would hiss and shriek for more food.

Yet, she still sat in the familiar, old, blue, plastic chair in the back of her clean music room, singing along awkwardly to the French song they had learned earlier that week. And of course, Hazel was more than relieved when the school bell rang out loudly throughout the classroom.

"Alright, class, remember to study for the upcoming quiz and practice singing your assigned songs," her teacher announced.

As people stood up, chattering and laughing and smiling, anxiety filled Hazel. She wildly glanced around before quickly grabbing her back and darting towards the door. Hazel tried to avoid people at all costs; she didn't understand how so many people could have so many friends that loved each other so much. How do you do that? she thought. Why can't I do that?

Making a beeline towards her locker, she unlocked it and shoved all of her books inside, seeing as it was a Friday, and she wouldn't have much homework for over the weekend. So she closed her locker and zipped up her bag before exiting the school's front doors, keeping her head down.

Hazel decided to very quickly stop by the store so she could buy a few things for an upcoming project because she was almost sure that she didn't have anything for it at home. So when she made it to the store, she pulled out her wallet and purchased paint and markers and billboard poster paper. But, of course, Hazel used the self check-out.

And after Hazel had bought these things, she was thirsty. She hadn't eaten or drank anything since lunch at school, which was three hours ago, and Hazel had quite the appetite, usually. She made her way to a coffee shop nearby and tried her best to build up her courage to just speak one sentence to the employee behind the counter.

"What'll it be?" the worker asked with a friendly smile.

Hearing the worker's voice made Hazel even more nervous. "U-Um, just sweetened iced tea," she stuttered, not daring to make eye contact. "Pl... Please." The worker nodded and Hazel sighed in relief, before the worker asked for her name. "It's- It's Hazel." She mentally scolded herself for failing to speak normally once again.

Hazel handed the worker her money and then waited patiently by the counter, tapping her foot and chewing on the skin around her nails. It has been a horrible habit of hers since she was seven-years-old.

"Sweetened iced tea for Hazel," the worker called out.

Hazel quickly took the drink and didn't bother saying 'thank you' before speed-walking out of the front door, the bell ringing softly as she did so. She heard a beeping noise and nearly dropped her drink, when she realized it was just her phone.

She was so nervous to be surrounded by so many people on the streets that she downed almost all of her drink already. There was just a little left.

Hey, love. Still on 4 tonight? xx Lou

Of course, love. xx Haze

In the short time that Hazel was gazing down at her glowing phone screen, she suddenly collided with somebody and her vibrant red tea spilled all over a young man's light gray fraternity hoodie.

Hazel gasped and the boy raised his eyebrows, staring down at his hoodie. "I-I... Um, I'm, uh..." She stuttered. The boy furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes flooded with concern. "Gotta g-go." The boy frowned as Hazel sped past him and threw her cup in a nearby trashcan before running all the way home.
Niall - 8.3.14 - 2:35 P.M.
After the pretty girl abruptly left, Niall sighed and continued back to his dorm. He had bought a new light bulb for his lamp and he would finally be able to study. Although, he promised himself he would actually go to bed at a reasonable time.

(a/n: I apologize if any mistakes were made. I'm not an expert on how Autistic people react to things so let me know if I should change something cuz I definitely don't want to hurt anyone's feelings :-) much love ~el, xxx)

Comfortable Silence *on hold*  - n.h. ~el &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now