Chapter Two

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(a/n: I don't even have anything to say, I just..... I'm lonely)


Niall - 8.4.14 - 9:15 A.M.
The next morning, Niall woke up happily (he was still tired) but he was glad he didn't spend all night studying like he had before. But while Niall got ready and walked to his first class for the day, he couldn't help but to think about the girl that spilled her tea on him the day before.

Niall honestly thought she was a very pretty girl and was worried, not to mention confused, as to why she just ran off. She stuttered and panicked about... really nothing at all because Niall didn't even care that his hoodie got stained. He didn't even know who this girl was but he had to resist the urge to chase after her to make sure if she was okay. But how would he explain that he couldn't actually talk to her?

He decided to ignore the bad feeling and he took a seat in his first class of the day.
Hazel - 8.4.14 - 5:57 P.M.
The morning after Hazel bumped into the completely innocent fraternity boy that she spilled her tea all over, she showered, got dressed and put on just a tad bit of makeup because she didn't care much for it. She ate her breakfast, brushed her teeth and decided to read her book, The Shining. Hazel loved scary books, but this one in particular didn't frighten her all that much.

Her black, thick-framed glasses were set over her large, pale green eyes as they skimmed quickly over each and every word printed on her book pages. But of course, just as she was about to finish her last chapter of the book, the doorbell rang out, echoing through the house.

Who would randomly show up at her house at...? Hazel peeked at the clock to see that it was almost 6 o'clock. Her eyes nearly fell out of her sockets when she saw the time. She woke up at noon, but had she really taken that bloody long to get ready and read her book?

Hazel turned her head back around to look at the front door and she swallowed, slowly setting her book down on the couch. She wanted to call for her mom (who was upstairs) to see who it was, but then the visitor would know that she is there. So Hazel tip-toed up to the door and stood on her tip-toes to peek through the peephole. She let out a breath of relief when she saw Louis. She had seen him just last night and he never texted her about coming over so she was confused as to why he was here.

She slowly opened the door to come face to face with her best friend. She clung to the side of it, sending the messy-haired boy a smile when he looked up at her from the ground.

"That's what you wear to a party?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, skimming his blue eyes over her outfit.

Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. "A party?" Her eyes widened.

Louis chuckled and stepped inside, pushing past her softly as she closed the door. She followed him to the couch, her heartbeat increasing at the thought of being in a large house with dozens of other people and alcohol and the horrible stench of illegal drugs. The thought of going to a party terrified her, even if Louis would be with her.

"I'm just kidding, love," Louis murmured, brushing a piece of hair behind Hazel's ear as she sat beside him, and she smiled up at him. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Thank yo-"

"HOWEVER," Louis cut her off, his voice raising with excitement and determination. Hazel furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. "I was invited to watch my friend's fûtból game at DCU tonight at eight," he smiled. "I was going to ask if maybe you'd like to go with me?"

"Please, no," Hazel frowned.

Louis pouted. "Please, Hazel?" He begged. "You know this is hard for me too! I know how you feel. We're in this together."

This made a fire kindle within Hazel. "This is hard for you too, Louis?" She raised her voice, trying to muster up every grain of courage she had. She barely had confidence even talking to Louis and her family, but when she was angry, it didn't matter anymore. She spoke what she felt. "I know you have anxiety issues! I know you have a hard time talking to people! But I- I have to take medication just so I don't lose my mind!" She yelled and a wave of shame washed over the young man.

"I- I can barely even look a person in the eye and I couldn't even apologize to a boy I spilled my drink all over yesterday because I'm not... I'm not normal!" Hazel exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. Louis's eyes burned, becoming glossy. "So don't tell me you know how I feel," she continued lowly. "You have no clue how I feel."

"Hazel, I- I'm sorry-"

Louis didn't get the chance to finish or to apologize because Hazel didn't want to continue crying in front of him, so she fled to her room.
Louis - 8.4.14 - 6:04 P.M.
Louis felt horrible for saying those things to his best friend. He was only trying to make her feel better and less insecure. He had no idea that she would be offended by his actions. She's never been so upset with him.

Louis had known Hazel since she was just four-years-old; however, Louis was nine when she was four and he's twenty-two now while she was almost eighteen. She was in her final year of high school and Louis knew that it was hard for her to get on well there.

He suggested a while back, when she was twelve, that she homeschool instead. But her parents felt that it would be easier for her to deal with her Autism if she actually was surrounded by people and tried to make friends. Of course, that never happened. Louis is her only friend and they've been friends for nearly fifteen years, and even still, she could barely look Louis in the eye unless she wanted to look at the color of his eyes.

About fifteen minutes later (allowing Hazel to calm down) and rubbing at his stinging eyes, Louis stood up from the plush couch and quietly made his way up the wooden stairs. He stopped in front of his best friend's bedroom door and knocked softly. Louis always knocked, despite the strong bond they had. What if she was changing her clothes? Louis was, no doubt, a gentleman.

When there was no reply, not even the slightest sign that she was breathing, he slowly opened the door, his eyes closed. If she was in there and changing or anything related, she'd holler at him if he walked in. So he'd only open his eyes if it was silent.
Her voice wasn't heard, so Louis peeked an eye open before opening both to see her asleep on her bed. He sighed, his eyes softening at the sight. Circling around to the other side of the bed, he leaned down and left a gentle kiss on her cheek before quietly exiting the room.

(a/n: daaaawwwwwee :3)

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