Chapter Four

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(a/n: you're welcome ^^^)


Hazel - 8.4.14. - 7:45 P.M.
Hazel couldn't believe she was doing this. She couldn't believe that she was actually going to attend the fûtból game tonight at Dublin City University, but she felt she owed it to her best friend. Maybe she had overreacted, but it frustrated her that Louis thought he knew what she went through when he, in fact, had no clue.
But she still felt the need to apologize because she knew that Louis would never hurt her feelings on purpose. He just wanted to help. So she curled her hair and pinned the sides back before putting on just a little bit of makeup and getting dressed. Hazel never liked the thought of wearing too much black; she liked it, but not too much of it. So she decided to wear only black Vans, and then her jeans were denim-bootcut with rips here and there. Her tanktop had fat straps and it was made from a soft cotton, the color being just like London's dark skies; her belt was dark brown and thick, the tip of her shirt tucked into it.
After adding a few accessories such as dangly necklaces and bracelets, Hazel brushed her teeth and grabbed her bag and phone.
"Um, Mom?" She called to her mother upstairs.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" Her mom replied, appearing beside her doorframe. "Aww, you look beautiful! Where are you going?" She added.
Hazel sighed, chewing on her lip and glancing in the mirror before back at her mom. "Louis invited me to go to a fûtból game with him at DCU... I don't really want to go, but he's going to be there and I owe him an apology."
Her mom nodded slowly. "Oh, alright. Do you want me to drive you?"
Hazel nodded. "If that's okay, I mean, Dad's working so I figured you wouldn't have any plans-"
"Yes, I'd love to. Let's go," her mom told her.
Hazel -8.4.14. - 7:50 P.M.
She arrived a few minutes before the game would start and she desperately wanted to find Louis before people tried to talk to her. Her mom gave her a kiss on the forehead before driving back home, planning on picking her daughter up later on.
Hazel scanned her green eyes over the large crowd of uni students, hoping to spot Louis. When she finally did, he was on the other side of the field, sitting on the bleachers, talking to one of the fûtból players who had curly brown hair and tattoos.
Hazel swallowed the lump in her throat and she clutched her bag tightly, speed-walking in her best friend's direction. People would cast casual glances at her along the way, but it still made her feel uneasy. She broke out into a jog, dashing towards her friend. When she was a few yards away from him, he looked up and spotted her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Louis stepped down from the bleachers, brushing past his curly-haired friend and allowing the young Autistic girl to embrace him in a warm hug. His friend raised his eyebrows, watching the scene unfold. He wondered if this girl was Louis's girlfriend, hopefully not, because he found her extremely attractive. But of course, he mentally scolded himself, trying to switch his thoughts onto Jessalyn.
"Haze... what are you doing here?" Louis asked her.
Hazel darted her wide eyes around to the people and then they landed on the boy behind him with the brown curls and tattoos. She gave him a strange look, when it appeared that he was scolding himself. She ignored him and locked her gaze with Louis's.
"I- I, um, wanted to say sorry for overreacting," she informed him, looking down at her Vans.
Louis sighed. "You don't have to say sorry, I do. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I know better," he said to her before kissing her temple and leading her back up to the bleachers. She sat beside him and clung to his arm while he returned to his conversation with his other friend, which included him asking curiously if they were an item. Hazel found the idea funny, because she saw Louis as more of a relative, like a big brother, or maybe even a cousin.
Hazel sighed and simply flashed the boy, she learned to be Harry, a quick smile before letting her eyes wander elsewhere. She spotted a blonde-haired boy in a fûtból uniform speaking to another boy sitting on the bleachers. The blonde boy had slightly pale skin and was skinny, but no doubt very muscular, strong. The boy he was speaking to had light brown hair that was spiked up and Hazel thought his arms might as well be considered machine guns. However, her eyes were fixed on the blonde boy. She found the boy really cute and she subconsciously smiled, completely forgetting the fact that he appeared extremely familiar.
"What're you smiling at?" Louis's delicate voice snapped her out of her daydreams. Hazel looked up at him and shrugged, her cheeks turning slightly crimson and he craned his neck to see who she was staring at. He smirked and Harry followed his gaze, plastering on a cheeky smile as they both looked back at the embarrassed young girl.
"You think he's cute, Hazel?" Harry questioned with an amused smirk, one hand on his hip as he leaned his other one against the bleachers. She didn't know what to say, especially because she obviously barely knew Harry, so she just stared down at her lap. "I'll be right back," Harry chuckled, causing Hazel to snap her head back up to see him jogging towards the blonde boy and his friend.
"Son-of-a..." she sighed to herself and Louis laughed.
Harry then returned with the blonde-haired boy and surprisingly, the boy with light brown hair wasn't with him. The blonde boy shook out his hair and ran his fingers through it as he lifted his head and met eyes with Hazel.
Niall -8.4.14 - 7:58 P.M.
Niall stopped in his tracks, slowly running his fingers through the rest of his hair as he stared at the young girl. He knew exactly who she was, but he stared at her because he thought she was beautiful. He loved how her bright, pale green eyes stood out against her tan skin and he loved her hair. It was dark at the roots and it faded into a light brown and into a soft blonde. Her lips were a dark pink and they were thick, heart-shaped; and she had a button nose. The girl was skinny but not too skinny and Niall liked the way her curves were slightly visible through her gray shirt.
Suddenly, Niall snapped out of his daydreams of the girl and he finally realized that this was the girl who spilled her drink on him the day before. He still wondered why she had trouble speaking to him. Niall didn't think he made himself look angry with her, because he definitely wasn't.
The girl's pale green eyes widened to the size of moons as, Niall assumed, she recognized who he was too. But Niall just simply smiled at her warmly, enjoying her presence and the way a light crimson color appeared on her cheeks as she looked at him.
"Niall, this is Louis's friend Hazel," Harry smiled, pointing from the frat boy to the young girl. "Hazel, this is my best friend Niall." Harry was aware that Hazel had Autism so he just assumed she'd smile and wave, but he didn't force her to speak to Niall, if she didn't want to.
"U-Um, hi," Hazel said before tearing her gaze away from Niall and burying her head in Louis's chest. Are they together? Niall wondered. But he pushed the thought away because he liked the idea of Hazel and him being together. Of course, he'd only just met her- aside from their awkward encounter by the coffee shop- but he'd like to discover why she acts so shy and shaky around him. Or maybe it's around all people? Niall wasn't sure yet, but he just observed as she let her eyes wander around while she clung to the blue-eyed boy with messy hair and tattoos.
Suddenly, Harry spoke up. "Ni, the game's starting; we gotta go before Paul slaughters us," he chuckled.
Niall smiled in amusement and glanced back at Louis and Hazel. He sent them both warm smiles and waved to them before following Harry onto the large field.

(a/n: I sprinkled a dash of Liam in there to tease you •u• lol, much love ~el, xxx)

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