Chapter Six: Part 1

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(a/n: there was not really a reason for this bUT LOOK AT HIS FACE, GUYS, LOOK aT It)


Hazel - 8.4.14 - 9:57 P.M.
As thunder growled and crackled, Hazel stiffened, swallowing while hugging the jacket tighter around her. She loved the sight of lightning and lightning storms, but the thunder broke her eardrums and she was terrified of the strong winds and she'd rather be hot than be freezing.
Another soft tap on her shoulder.
Do you want to hang out in my dorm until your ride gets here?
Hazel glanced up from Niall's phone screen and smiled awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed as she nodded her head a bit too quickly. Niall shot her an amused grin before standing up and holding his hand out. Hazel was a bit confused at first, but just shook it off slightly and let him take her small hand in his large one.
Niall had those kind of fingers that were long and slender; the kind you wanted to lock your own fingers between until he squeezed your hand, sending tingles up your arm. But he didn't intertwine his fingers with Hazel's, so she just settled for resting her cold hand in his.

(a/n: to be continued •u•)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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