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As Jieun expressed her suspicions about Jonghyun, Chanyeol began to distance himself from her, effectively ignoring her presence as if she had never existed

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As Jieun expressed her suspicions about Jonghyun, Chanyeol began to distance himself from her, effectively ignoring her presence as if she had never existed. It surprised Jieun to realise how deeply attached Chanyeol was to his stepbrother. She hadn't anticipated such a strong reaction from him.

In Chanyeol's eyes, Jonghyun was beyond reproach. He couldn't fathom the idea of his stepbrother being involved in the scandal. If Jieun had suspected his stepmother, he might have been more inclined to believe her, but Jonghyun had never shown any signs of animosity towards Chanyeol. Their relationship had always been marked by camaraderie and support.

Desperate to have a conversation with Chanyeol and apologise, Jieun reached out to hold his wrist, hoping to make him understand her perspective. But he swiftly pulled away, leaving her feeling vulnerable and disregarded. She had grown accustomed to being ignored by her family, but Chanyeol's rejection stung, especially considering how close they had become.

As Jieun nervously tried to approach Chanyeol once again, her heart pounding in her chest, she mustered up the courage to speak to him. "Chanyeol, please listen to me. I know you find it hard to believe, but I had nothing to do with that video. Someone else must have posted it," she pleaded, her voice filled with sincerity.

However, Chanyeol seemed determined to shut her out. He deliberately averted his gaze, his silence speaking volumes. Jieun's words fell on deaf ears, causing a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She reached out to touch his arm gently, hoping to break through his defensive barrier, but he jerked away from her touch, his expression clouded with mistrust and hurt.

Feeling a lump forming in her throat, Jieun struggled to hold back tears. She couldn't understand why he was so unwilling to believe her, why he refused to see the truth in her eyes. She desperately wanted to make him understand, to regain the connection they once had, but it seemed that the bond they had built was fragile, easily shattered by suspicion and doubt.

Jieun tried to find the right words, to convey the depth of her feelings and the innocence of her intentions, but each attempt was met with a resounding silence. Chanyeol's indifference wounded her deeply, and she began to question whether their friendship could ever be restored.

Feeling a mixture of frustration and sorrow, Jieun stepped back, her shoulders slumping. She realised that she couldn't force Chanyeol to believe her, no matter how much she wanted to. It was up to him to open his heart and see the truth for himself. With a heavy sigh, she turned and walked away, leaving Chanyeol standing there, his eyes fixed on the ground, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty.

Jieun couldn't shake off the heaviness in her heart as she made her way back home. She replayed their encounter in her mind, desperately searching for a way to bridge the gap between them. She knew that the path to rebuilding their trust would be challenging, but she refused to give up hope.

Jieun couldn't help but think of her late best friend, Sulli, in moments like these. She yearned for someone by her side who would support and understand her. But Sulli was gone, and Jieun felt the weight of her absence acutely. It was risky for Jieun to confide in Chanyeol about her suspension from work, knowing it might jeopardise their fragile connection. She felt a pang of loneliness, longing for someone who could offer solace during challenging times.

Her mind drifted back to a painful flashback involving Sulli and Jonghyun. Sulli had been in a relationship with Jonghyun, only to discover that he was using her for her money and body. When she attempted to break up with him and expose his deceitful ways, he resorted to mental torture and blackmail. He threatened to release her intimate photos on social media, leaving Sulli feeling trapped and hopeless. Unable to find help from the authorities, she tragically took her own life. Witnessing the depths of Jonghyun's manipulation had fueled Jieun's determination to become a journalist and expose the truth.

Returning to the present, Jieun found herself in need of sanitary pads. It was an urgent matter, and she contemplated reaching out to Baekhyun for assistance. However, feeling too shy to ask for his help and aware that he might not be available immediately, she decided to venture out to the supermarket on her own. Determined to maintain her anonymity, she donned a hoodie and covered her face with a mask, creating a disguise that would hopefully shield her identity from prying eyes.

As she walked through the quiet streets, Jieun couldn't help but notice the whispers and hushed conversations of the people around her. The news of Chanyeol's alleged wrongdoing had spread like wildfire, fueled by sensationalised reports and a public hungry for justice. Reporters gathered in clusters, their cameras trained on empty spaces, as if waiting for Chanyeol to appear and face the consequences.

The reporters' voices carried through the air, their words laced with a mix of anger and indignation. They accused Chanyeol of running away from the truth, of causing harm to Jieun and only now finding the courage to expose him. The crowd echoed their sentiments, their voices raised in protest, demanding that Chanyeol be found and held accountable for his actions.

Amidst the clamour, a common sentiment emerged—the belief that Chanyeol, with his fame and wealth, shouldn't be allowed to evade punishment. The crowd called for justice, insisting that no one, regardless of their status, should be exempt from facing the consequences of their misdeeds.

As Jieun walked through the sea of murmurs and disapproving gazes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She understood the gravity of the situation, the weight of the accusations against Chanyeol, but she also knew the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface. She couldn't stand by and watch as he was condemned without a fair investigation.

Deep down, Jieun held onto the hope that the truth would prevail, that Chanyeol would come to realise her innocence and the lengths she would go to protect him. But for now, she had to find a way to navigate the storm that had engulfed their lives, to weather the judgmental eyes and hold onto her belief in justice and redemption.

And so, with a heavy heart, Jieun continued her journey, her thoughts consumed by the complexities of their situation and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Jieun entered the supermarket, her senses heightened as she surveyed her surroundings. The bustling aisles were filled with customers, their shopping carts brimming with various goods. She navigated through the store, her eyes darting from one shelf to another in search of the necessary item. Finally, she located the aisle dedicated to personal care products and reached for the sanitary pads, ensuring she made the right selection for her needs.

Approaching the cashier's counter, Jieun stood in line, waiting for her turn. As the cashier busily scanned and bagged items, Jieun's eyes wandered, taking in the sights and sounds of the supermarket. Shelves adorned with neatly arranged products stretched in every direction, enticing customers with a colourful array of options. The low hum of conversation filled the air, intermingled with the soft beeping of cash registers.

Lost in her observations, Jieun didn't notice the presence behind her until a tap on her shoulder broke her concentration. Slowly turning her head, she locked eyes with a stranger holding up a picture—it was Chanyeol. Panic surged through her veins as she realised that her disguise had failed, and he had discovered her true identity. "Shit," she whispered under her breath, contemplating her next move and how to explain herself to Chanyeol.

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