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As Taeyeon stood in front of the cafe, her sadness and distress were evident

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As Taeyeon stood in front of the cafe, her sadness and distress were evident. Baekhyun happened to pass by and immediately noticed her troubled expression. Without hesitation, he called out her name, catching her attention. A smile graced Taeyeon's face as she turned to face him. "What are you doing here?" he asked, approaching her with concern. With a smile still lingering, she replied, "I wanted to grab some coffee. Care to join me?" Baekhyun nodded, and together they made their way inside the cosy cafe.

Sitting across from each other at a small table, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Baekhyun sensed that Taeyeon needed someone to confide in, so he patiently listened as she poured her heart out. "My dad cheated on my mom," she began, her voice laced with pain. "He was abusive towards both my mom and me. We didn't want Jieun to be exposed to that toxic environment, so we sent her to live with our grandma. Eventually, my mom decided to divorce my dad, but we needed financial support, so we moved in with my aunt. After working tirelessly, we've finally reached a stable and safe place. Now, we want Jieun to come and live with us, if she wants to, of course. It would mean a lot to my mom if Jieun could at least visit her, but Jieun has her own reasons for not wanting to come back here due to the dark past," Taeyeon explained, her voice trembling with emotions.

Baekhyun couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy towards Taeyeon and her family's struggles. He understood Jieun's hesitation and wanted to help bridge the gap between them. With a comforting smile, he reassured Taeyeon, "I'll do my best to talk to Jieun and explain everything. Family is important, and I believe she will understand." Grateful for his support, Taeyeon expressed her thanks, her smile reflecting genuine appreciation. "Thank you," she replied politely. Baekhyun couldn't resist his playful side and winked at her, adding, "Anything for you." Their lighthearted exchange brought a brief moment of laughter amidst the weight of their conversation.

Meanwhile, at a nearby cafe, Jieun's excitement was palpable. "Let's go to a cafe!" she exclaimed happily, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Chanyeol couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. "There's a nice cafe just around the corner. Let's head there," he suggested, eager to indulge in their shared company.

As they walked together, their hands slowly found each other, interlacing with a delicate warmth. Chanyeol's ears turned a shade of red, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of shyness wash over him. Yet, he cherished the feeling of their hands intertwined. Jieun's heart skipped a beat, a mixture of excitement and nervousness fluttering within her. Her cheeks tinged with a gentle pink blush, and she playfully bit her lip, attempting to hide the growing smile on her face. However, Chanyeol had noticed her adorable reaction, and it only made him appreciate her more.

Arriving at the cosy cafe, they settled into a comfortable corner, their smiles mirroring the joy they felt inside. Chanyeol took the opportunity to playfully ask, "What would you like to have?" Jieun opened her mouth to reply, but before she could utter a word, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice. "Jieun-ah!" The voice rang through the air, capturing J

ieun's attention. Her eyes quickly searched for the source and landed on Baekhyun, who was accompanied by Taeyeon. Instantly, her radiant smile faded, replaced by a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

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