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As Jieun gradually woke from her slumber, she couldn't shake off the question that lingered in her mind

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As Jieun gradually woke from her slumber, she couldn't shake off the question that lingered in her mind. "What did you say?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "I heard you say something. Tell me quickly."

As Jieun gradually woke from her slumber, she couldn't shake off the question that lingered in her mind. "What did you say?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. "I heard you say something. Tell me quickly."

Chanyeol knew he couldn't evade the question any longer. He looked down, nervously fiddling with his fingers. "I... I actually love you," he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability. "I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't find the words. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his nerves palpable in the air.

Silence hung in the car, and Chanyeol's heart sank, fearing that perhaps Jieun didn't reciprocate his feelings. But before he could finish his sentence, Jieun leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too," she whispered, a radiant smile gracing her face.

Chanyeol's eyes, filled with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability, met hers, and a gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The warmth in his gaze melted away Jieun's apprehensions, and she felt a surge of affection wash over her, radiating from the depths of her being. Without uttering a word, their eyes communicated the unspoken emotions that swirled between them—a love that had blossomed, silently yet powerfully, binding them together. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, as if the universe itself held its breath, honouring the beauty of their love.

Chanyeol's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of clarity and conviction. He took a deep breath, his voice trembling with a mix of emotions as he spoke the words she had longed to hear. "Jieun, I always felt something for you. That feeling is something I can't explain to you. But I am thankful that I found my darkest times and you are my light. Thank you so much for always being beside me."

His confession hung in the air, a declaration of his unwavering devotion and commitment. Jieun's heart overflowed with a joy so profound that it could fill every inch of their shared universe. Tears welled in her eyes, glistening like stars reflecting the radiance of their love. With a voice filled with tenderness, she whispered, "Chanyeol, I'll always stay beside you. And I'll always love you. Yes, a thousand times, yes, I will be yours, now and for all eternity."

In that moment, the world seemed to shimmer with an enchanting luminescence, as if nature itself was celebrating their union. The wind whispered sweet melodies of love, carrying their promises to the farthest corners of the earth. The flowers bloomed with an extra vibrancy, mirroring the blossoming of their love. Birds sang in a harmonious chorus, their melodies weaving a symphony of devotion and affection.

Together, Jieun and Chanyeol embarked on a journey, hand in hand, their souls dancing to the rhythm of a love that knew no bounds. They promised to cherish every sunrise and sunset, to celebrate the highs and navigate the lows, and to build a future that overflowed with shared dreams and unwavering support.

Their love story, like the pages of a beautifully written novel, unfolded with each passing day, filled with tender moments, passionate embraces, and whispered words of endearment. They explored the world hand in hand, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

In the midst of their adventures, they discovered that love wasn't just a destination but a continuous journey of growth and understanding. They supported each other's dreams and aspirations, inspiring one another to reach for the stars. In moments of uncertainty, they found solace in the embrace of their love, knowing that together they could overcome any obstacle that came their way.

Later that night, as the moon bathed the room in a soft glow, Jieun lay awake, her mind filled with thoughts of Chanyeol. Memories of his confession replayed in her mind like a beautiful melody, causing her heart to flutter. She scrolled through their text messages, her fingertips tingling with excitement at his loving words. "Did you reach safely?" he had asked, and "I miss you already." And then, the message that made her heart skip a beat: "I love you." She replied with equal fervour, "I love you too."

The realisation that they were now officially a couple felt surreal, as if they had embarked on a romantic adventure together. Chanyeol even shared a picture of them in their group chat, proudly announcing their relationship to their friends. The congratulations poured in, but Jieun's heart raced with joy when she read Baekhyun's playful comment, "I thought I could date her." Chanyeol swiftly replied, "She is mine," accompanied by a mischievous smiley face. The thought of being Chanyeol's girlfriend sent waves of happiness coursing through her veins. She cherished the feeling deeply.

As she basked in the happiness of their newfound love, a message notification interrupted her reverie. It was Baekhyun, requesting to meet the following day. Jieun wondered what could be so important that he wanted to discuss it in person. With a sense of anticipation, she closed her eyes, allowing sleep to embrace her.

The next day, Jieun met Baekhyun, who was accompanied by Taeyeon. She immediately noticed the nerves etched on Taeyeon's face, sensing that something significant was about to unfold. "What's going on?" Jieun inquired, directing her question towards Baekhyun. His gaze shifted towards Taeyeon, indicating that it was her who needed to speak. Jieun, realising the significance of this moment, addressed Taeyeon as "unnie," marking a significant milestone in their relationship.

"I'm sorry," Taeyeon apologised sincerely, her voice laced with regret. "I should have considered your feelings before, Jieun." Jieun bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry too," she choked out, her voice quivering with emotion. "I should have listened to your perspective." Overwhelmed with remorse, Jieun couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Sensing her distress, Taeyeon enveloped her in a warm, comforting hug.

Observing the tender scene before him, Baekhyun couldn't help but find the situation endearing. A smile graced his face as he watched the two sisters embrace, their tears mingling in a heartfelt display of forgiveness and love. His heart swelled with warmth, knowing that he had played a small part in bringing them closer together.

In that moment, the air was filled with love and redemption, as Jieun and Taeyeon forged a deeper connection, healing the wounds of their past misunderstandings. And as they embraced, Baekhyun's heart overflowed with joy, witnessing the power of forgiveness and the strength of sisterly bonds.

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