Chapter uno: The reckoning

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A/N: (Quick note, both chapter one and chapter two locations are connected in this story so don't be confused, also this starts in Odd World!)( P.S.: first story so writing and plot will get better eventually!)


Blue walked around, his heavy steps shaking the floor. It had been a long day of chasing players and honestly he was tired, especially today since he had been bumping into everything all night. 

His preferred choice of friend to crash into was Green apparently, as he had—maybe, tumbled them both down like 5 times.. he should probably apologize, Blue thought to himself. Blue reluctantly turned around and started off to find Green, his tired expression even more noticeable as he slowly drifted off, but Blue was no quitter! 

Turning around corners, he only found orange this time in his cove and indulging himself in a slice of cake Red had generously given him. Blue forced himself to greet Orange anyways, he always had to greet his friends! "Hey orange!" He cheerfully said. 'Mmmfrp mmfrp!' Orange yelled back, his face covered in frosting. Blue continued walking, now with a new plan of asking around for Green. Either Green knows how to hide, or he's just avoiding him, Blue yet again thought.

While out of the moment, he somehow managed to crash into Red! This was not his day. 

A bunch of lights comically sprang into the air, Red quickly recovered and hustled to get them, almost missing a few. "I'm sorry!" Blue worriedly asked, bringing the box that contained the bulbs closer to Red. 'Don't worry, at least none of them broke..' Red sighed, relieved. Red then turned his focus from the box to Blue, since Blue appeared exhausted. 'Aren't you supposed to be resting by now? Usually your the first one out for the day..'   "Not ta-day, I gotta find Green and apologize!"   'For..?' Red questioned, puzzled. "Well.. I kept bumping into him like 10 billion times! So now I gotta tell him I'm sorry before he thinks I'm a meanie!" Red simply shrugged, but Blue was rather serious about this. 'Accidents happen, but I do happen to know that he was nearby that forest area.' Blue quickly thanked him and trotted off. 


Once arriving there, he was greeted by a chirp from Yellow rather than a recognizable noise from Green. Although disappointed, he was more awake due to the walking, and more confident in finding Green. "Heyo Yellow!" Blue said. The propeller on Yellow's back whirled slightly, but it meant hello anyways. Yellow wasn't much for a talker, but Blue could try and ask anyways,"Ya seen Green nearby?" The creatures wings held together firmly, a fast shake of his head told Blue everything he needed to know. "Jeez, at this point I dunno if he ran outta tha building.." Blue mumbled to himself...-before realizing Green might be in the party room.

Blue hastily thanked a waddling away Yellow as Blue rushed to check if he was there. 

There he was, good ol' Green just minding his own business.

Blue pressed on, unsure of how to start off. 'Blue?' Green said, standing still. "Yep! Jeez, it took me a long while to find ya!" Green turned his head to Blue's voice, tilting it slightly. 'You wanted to, find me?' Blue quickly scrambled for words. "Oh- uh yeah.. I just wanted to let ya know that I'm super sorry bout bumping into you earlier!" His voice was quick and some words had slurred together in his word vomit. Green almost didn't understand him, but he got the message anyways. 'It's fine, that park that Red made IS kinda cramped, or that's how it felt for me.' Blue sought this opportunity to change the subject and went for it. "Yeah! Those bushes round' da whole area ain't let me see any of ya! Especially worse when you're trying to catch somebody!" 

Green slightly smiled at how fast Blue lit up, complaining still, but with his bubbly personality. 'I guess so, also, apology accepted.' Blue seemed grateful for that acceptance. 'Hey.' The voice startled the pair, Blue looked around while Green tried remembering the voice. In a nearby vent Purple's eyes could be seen, 'Can you both keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here!'    "Oh okaayy!" He meekly whispered. 'I think we should call it a day, Blue.'    "Guess you're right, wanna walk to our rooms togetha?" Green nodded as Blue took his hand, both of them just making it to their respective rooms.

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