Chapter tres: Hide.. but I'll seek!

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A/N: (Part one of this segment MUAHAHAaa,  pretty short tho, so I'll get working on another chapter soon!)


(The main subject of focus is Purples perspective, so he'll have " when he speaks!)

The few days after that were uneventful, other than a few mistakes here and there it was pretty usual... other than Blue behavior.   He still maintained his cheery attitude and odd decisions about everything, but a few of his friends appeared to notice a change.   Blue still chatted to Purple and such, but his topics seemed more directed at Green, whom he oddly seemed to avoid. Purple would test that hypothesis in a second.

"Don't you think Blue is acting a bit strange?" Purple queried Red.

'I guess so, but I wouldn't doubt it's something minuscule, so don't mind it too much Purple.' Red responded,

but this didn't seem to calm Purple by any means. Of course it wasn't his business, but caring for his friends kinda was his business at the same time.   He decided to observe Blue, watching as Blue strolled down the hallways, sometimes even pitching a conversation with Orange— or anybody whom caught his eyesight.. other than Green.   This somewhat proved his theory but, weren't they just chatting a few days ago? Oh well, maybe they got into an argument..?   Purple guessed he couldn't keep spying any longer, he had to be straight forward. He would go ask Green first...

After a short period of time Green settled down nearby a vent of Purple's, perfect time to prod into him with questions.

"Hello Green." A voice spoke, the sound-waves echoing through the metal vent. This caused Green to twitch at the voice, before remembering whom it belonged to.

'Purple, Hello.. you gave me a fright.' He hesitantly chuckled.

"I seem to have that problem around some of us, how are you doing?"   'I'm doing good, thanks for asking.'

"Uhuhh.. so Green, you notice anything different about any of us today?" Green only blankly turned his head to where he presumed Purple resided, and thought for a moment.   Purple could visibly see him rummaging his memories from throughout the day, sifting extensively.

'Nothing that comes to mind from conversations I've had.'   "..And from conversations you haven't?"

The room went dead silent for a moment.

'I don't think I haven't not talked to anybody, (as he slowly mumbles out a list to himself, inaudible.)'.  If Purple could raise an eyebrow he would.

'Purple, is this a game of some sort?'

Purple lacked onto that, since it's be a reasonable assumption.

"Mhm, you gotta figure it out."   'I like games, uh.. is it Blue I haven't spoken to yet?'


Green smiled at his small victory, he would've gotten quite competitive if he DIDN'T get that right.   Purple shuddered, reminding himself of a few past games gone wrong. Who knew Green and Orange could be so cruel.. anyways,

'Hm, well what about Blue is different?'

"He usually chats up a storm with you, ain't it odd he's avoi-, I mean, hasn't talked to you today?"   Green tilted his head.

"Not to be nosey or anything, but it's just something I noticed."   'Uh, well, I did sorta notice that myself.. I thought it was just be being over-imaginative.'

"What happened? Did you two get into an argument or incident- not that you two would of course!" Purple hurried spoke, worried he over-stepped in his prying.

'Not that I can recall, but I do recall him running away from me after giving me food some time ago.'   "Running away? That's weird.."

'Hm, you know what? I'll go ask him if somethings up!'   Before Purple could comment, Green was already up and away.

Guess it's seeking time..


Ty for reading! If you feel like this is a bit out of character or unusual, please feel free criticize it! ^^

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