Chapter cinco: Here we go again

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Blue hurried down the corridors, almost tripping on his own legs in the progress.   He didn't want to have a run in with anybody, so he concluded that getting to Red's office quickly would be better.   Red was sorting out some bulbs by color, a massive blue print sheet underneath him.   His desk was always cluttered so Red had taken it upon himself to store the objects that remained on his table.    As he carefully placed the last one, a familiar thumping on the floor had him wary.   3, 2, 1..


The door swung open, and Red feared that the hinges would be unable to withstand the sheer force.

'Calm it down with the door, I just replaced that thing.'   "Sorry- but this is urgent!"

Blue shut the door carefully before sitting down in front of it and staring at Red with concern.   Red turned to face him, hands on his hips.

'First of all, where have you been?'    "Odd world!"

'With that out of the way, what was so dire that you almost detached the door from my wall?'    "So.. I've um, been feeling weird lately."

Red nodded to acknowledge him, before turning on his heel and continuing his sorting.

"I dunno what it is, I think I'm.. sick or something?"    'Describe it, but I doubt it's a sickness.'

"Dunno, but whenever I go near g- somebody, I can't talk, I freeze up, and I just feel funny."

Blue looked at Red with fear, was this what people felt before dying? WAS HE GONNA DIE?

Red stopped his organizing yet again, before turning back to Blue and crouching down to get to his eye level.

'Blue, my diagnosis is that you may either hold a fear of some sort towards that being, or you have a crush, I'm personally thinking it's the latter of the two.'   "What's dat second one supposed to mean?"

'That's possibly whatever you're feeling, and no, it's not a sickness, you're definitely not dying.'   

"Is it a bad thing?" Blue questioned worriedly.   Red's gesture gave no certain answer, a mere shrug, then he straightened up and went back to his work.

"Reddd...that doesn't help explain what I'm supposed to do about ittt!" Blue groaned out.   He now stood up as well, latching his arms onto Red shoulders and tugging back 'n forth.


'Mind your strength, I'm about to topple over! Also it's just a speculation, who knows what the true cause is.   Maybe returning to normalcy for a while and speaking to the others may assist.. or you can continue to hide away from Green.'   "But I- how did you know."

'I happen to have good hearing..., and overheard Purple speaking while ago.'   "Wait... to who..." Red didn't go further than that comment.   Blue groaned at Reds lack of care to answer him, but Blue placed his head onto Red's shoulder instead of holding him.   This didn't seem to bother Red though, typical.   Anywho, Blue lingered around for longer, stubborn as always, awaiting for Red to take his leave as well.


After a good length of time, Red gave a stretch and tucked his final file of papers away.

"Ya done?" Blue gurgled, chewing on random piece of plastic in the corner of the room.

'Mhm, but are you done procrastinating?' Blue looked in denial as he crossed his arms.

"I am not!"   'As you say, Bluey.'

Glancing at the time, it appeared to rest of the night had gone by rather quickly.  'Get some rest in before you decide to do anything, clear your mind.' The door clicked open with a sharp twist from Red. "Willll do!" Blue cheerily answered, now taking Red's extended hand.   Both of their rooms weren't too far apart, down a long corridor was all of the friend's chambers.   Red's door was stationed at the hilt of the hallway, the last door.

Blue and Green's were right in front of each others, to the left and right of Red's.   Everybody else had a similar set-up.   The walk wasn't too difficult, the two remained in each others grasps until they each their respective rooms.   Waving a good-night they separated.


Yeahhh, Blue couldn't sleep.   He was tired of course, but he couldn't get a blink of rest as per usual.   Jeez, was he just not himself at all? He tried everything!   From sitting in different positions to shutting his eyes for a disturbingly long amount of time.   He was just too jittery.   Finally giving into the non-tiredness, he dropped onto the wooden floor and thought.   Maybe he needed water? No, he drank some when he was in Red's room.    He'd been turning the lights off and on, hoping the change in settings would tire him out eventually.   But nothing!

He decided to take a look around his room, maybe somethings throwing him off.   Surveying his room, he managed to find some broken crayons, construction paper, and some tattered plushies.   Other than it being a mess there wasn't much and there wasn't anything too different.    Blue only found it reasonable to do something with what he found.   Oooooh! Maybe he could draw his friends!

So that's exactly what he did.   Laying on the floor wasn't the most comfortable experience, but it was better to work with due to its larger surface.   He wasn't all that handy with drawing, especially without any thumbs or other means to grab the crayon.   Blue did his best anyways, and managed to get out half-decent scribbles of everybody.   Blue was definitely going to ask Red to put it on the fridge's door.

After a while of being an artist he felt rather sleepy, great!   He continued his art making, now letting himself drift into slumber... andddd he was asleep for the night.

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