Chapter dos: The continuation

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A/N: (Blue is ", everybody else is ')


The park was broken into this night and Red had everybody on high alert, it seemed like he was more intrigued considering he took a more active role with assisting. Something about a group of players and some weird old guy getting in.

Red specifically mentioned the man and Blue could only assume Red had a past with him. But that was besides the point, the current event of the night was just getting started! The players managed to find, and turn on an SOS light, shocking enough, Blue didn't even know they had one. Cyan and Yellow would join in later that night, but that usually made it harder to tell if a player was turning the corner or a friend. On the bright side it usually just started with Green and himself, making the hunt more manageable.

Until it wasn't..


Blue groaned as he wobbled back, grabbing his head after it connected with Greens.

"I'm sorry!" He said looking back at Green, whom appeared more confused than injured. Blue was distraught from all this running around, and had somehow run into Green when a player slid under his lengthy arms.

'Again?' Green stated, his voice wasn't upset or anything but Blue only looked away sheepishly.

Green sighed but went on, 'It's alright, I should've made a noise when I heard you— running?'   "Oh shoot! I was chasing a player and they ducked under your arms, I think they ran off!"

'Makes more sense, just try to be more careful?'   "I will I promise, pinky promis- I don't have fingers."

'...Just get going..'.  "Right! Sorry again Green!"

Blue was determined to get that player now, that was totally uncool.

After lurking around and finding nothing, he headed downstairs to Purple instead, deciding to ask if he had seen any players.  Purple immediately popped out of nowhere, his hands rising from the foggy floor.  Blue almost feared that Purple would accidentally strike him, but that fear was soothed as Purple spoke.

'Blue?'   "Da one and only!"

'What brings you here?'

Blue shrugged, simply deciding that motion itself was a valid response.

'You gotta have a reason, so what's up?'   "I dunno I just felt like it,— probably wanted to ask you if you heard any players around here."

'Not really, not a peep yet.'

Blue took a sit on a rock near the bushes, his posture relaxed and carefree as always.

'Shouldn't you be upstairs with Green?'   "Probably but I don't wanna bump into him again, too many times and it's becoming comical."

He heard Purple audibly sigh in protest of Blue deciding to leave Green, THE BLIND ONE OF THE GROUP for crying out loud, alone to get the humans.

'Don't you hear when he walks?'   "I do! But I only bump into him when he's standing!"

'Then use your e-'

A loud crash caught both of their attentions, so did the sound of a propeller, with a subtle noise of wings flapping.

"Oh jeez! Talk later purple I gotta go!" Purple waved him off, pondering about what was occurring upstairs.

Blue quickly hurried upstairs, finding a bunch of Lookies everywhere. Only valid conclusion he could come up with was that the players broke into the closet withholding the Lookies.

Just as he walked closer to Orange's cave, he spotted a player running away from yellow. Blue quickly got in front them and they panicked, in the moment of utter confusion Yellow grabbed them. The player remained still— probably out of fear, but Yellow immediately stomped them down. Blue turned away from Yellow then got to work himself, catching a few more players—, and somehow that seemed to be all of them! Guess Cyan wasn't going to be arriving.. whoops.

Red came outside, walking out of a previously locked door nearby some tables. 'Good job all of you!' He said, to the three. 'As much as you all did well tonight, we did happen to lose one person..' Red continued to ramble on about that old guy, something, something, 'He got away', something, something. Blue mentally checked out during this, opting to stare at Green instead— PROBABLY because his goggly eyes were moving and that totally caught him off guard! Yeah.. that's why.

Anywho, Red finally let them all rest by bringing them back indoors. Blue plopped down the ground in that small forest-y area inside, much too lazy to actually walk to his room. As he started to drift off, the noise of pitter pattering small feet had him slightly awake, and alert.

"Orange?" He grumbled.

He opened his eyes to find Orange, whom sat himself next to Blue and was currently munching on his bag of food.

'Yo!'    "Oh hey Orange! What bring you here?"

'Red told me to give everybody their bags of food, I brought you yours but I'm takin' a break.' He stated.

,And just as Orange had said, Blue had a bag next to him.

"Thanks Orange!" The little lizard only dug his head deeper into the bag. Besides Orange he had about, 2 bags of food left. Blue devoured the meal his friend brought him in mere seconds, impressively.

"Who are those for?" 'Oh-(crunch, the rest of his speech is mumbled) it's for Green and Cyan, kinda heavy to drag around for somebody my size.' Blue instantly perked up at this, no friend of his will struggle!

"I can help!" Orange's mouth was too full to protest, but he knew Blue was going to be stubborn about assisting anyways. Blue, though being tired before, now had a noticeably more awake approach to this situation due to that simple conversation with his pal. Anywho, he easily lifted the two bags. Orange stared with concern for himself, really worried about Blue's quite menacing strength compared to his own, but Blue didn't take notice as he happily skipped to find Cyan and Green, usually they would be in their rooms or designated areas.

So Blue went downstairs into a small hidden location with a usually unnoticeable door, other than the fact it was kinda inwards dented for some reason. He gave that no thought as he knocked on Cyan's door. Blue left the bag on the floor in front for easy access. The door slid open slightly, Cyan sniffing the bag cautiously before nipping the edge and dragging it inside. Blue was always curious on how she grabbed stuff but it made much more sense watching. He held Green's bag of food more gently as he walked to his room next. Blue felt something weird in his chest as he walked further, it wasn't bad— just odd. Then he knocked on the door, it creaked as it opened.

"Hey Green!" 'Blue?' "Yep! I brought you your food for today!"

Blue hurriedly lunged the bag outwards, the feeling in his chest getting more prominent.

'Thanks Blue.' Green lifted his arm ever so slightly, then collected the bag. Blue watched anxiously as both of their hands barely skimmed each other. Green felt Blue slightly quiver, but before he could ask Blue ran off.

Blue was confused.. why did he run away? He didn't quite know but he ran into his room, shutting the door with a thud. He just stood there, trying to process the situation that was uncharacteristic of himself.  After about 5 minutes of this standing, he shrugged and decided to sleep it off. He settled down in a chair Red had specifically made for Blue to sleep in and he was out for the day. 

(Heyoo I'm trying a new writing style so tell me wut y'all think, P.S. I fixed sum spelling!)

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