Chapter seis: If it ain't the consequences of my actions

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A/N: (This chapter is a bit weird, I don't really know how to write these scenarios so tell me if I should fix anything! My boy Blue is being pretty cringe, (Cough, procrastinator, cough) he'll fix up..  eventually...)


The next day after nodding off, he opened his door and reluctantly went to the theater.   Red had some new strategies to fool the next round of players whom broke in.   Blue didn't have the opportunity to converse with Green, but he did get some glances from Purple.   Blue swore he could feel himself shrink standing next to everybody else.   Red blabbered on using some big words every now and then.   Blue didn't have the heart to tell Red he couldn't understand. 

Anywho, let the games begin!

It was indoors this time and Red had already done the chore of dragging the players all inside.   They all hurried at the sound of Red's command on the loudspeaker.   Blue climbed up the ladder from the lower floor and sneakily killed a few players passing by.   Blue usually got tired after a long chase, so he had to be smart about when he sprinted.   Turning a corner to head upstairs to the castle area, a screech from a player had him turning faster than he could process what was happening. Boom!   Another one gotten!

Blue was always rather lucky, so he managed to get a few players before he got overwhelmed. Five out of thirteen, not too bad!

Green showed up.   Red brought him out when Blue was done with the, 'cleaning up' process.   The two had about 2 minutes left or so til the players came outside of their room again.   Red let the players 'rest' by turning off the lights for 30 minutes max then hurrying the group back outside with a  new quest.   Not really a rest, but it'll do.   Anywho, Blue was dead set on camping the outside of the room, no way was he going to be confronted so soon.   Green had other things to attend to though, so he left Blue alone... for now, that is.

Red did yell at Blue to stop hogging the door, so he hustled away.   The remaining few did much better at concealing themselves than the previous five Blue managed to get, but there was a suspicious quantity of boxes laying around.   Blue only shrugged it off as he walked downstairs.   Despite his incompetence to locate the batch of players, he did hear Red state that Green had captured four more.   Guess they should've watched their step.

But, the rustling of kibble made Blue realize he was in big trouble, no way they got all the food bags already!   Blue mentally cursed himself for not picking up the pace.

Orange assisted the pair when he started to get hungry.   Usually, the players forgot about him so it was rather easy.   Within minutes of Orange's arrival, Red announced the crowd to be officially terminated.   Whew... but that brings up another issue.

Blue attempted a seamless escape, edging towards the exit since Green was also in the theater room.   Apparently Green did recall his objective from yesterday. 


Green's voice quickly stopped Blue in his tracks, he knew better than to attempt an escape with Green knowing his presence in the room.   When Green didn't hear any more oddly shuffled footsteps, he attempted to locate the last known position of the sound, managing to wrap his arms around Blue's torso.   Welp, no escaping now.   Turning his head as slow as an old, creaky, door, he could only nervously stare.   Yeah, he was eventually going to talk to Green, but... um.. later that day, Yep!   Totally later!   Blue was completely absorbed in his thoughts for a while, before realizing Green was trying to get his attention.

'Hello? Blue?'

Though Blue attempted to speak, it appeared as though he had lost his voice.   He could only continue awkwardly making direct eye contact with Green, his face probably turning a shade of purple.   Speaking of Purple...

'Try knocking to see if anybody's home.'

Green only sighed at Purple's commentary,  he was not about to give Blue more brain damage than he already appeared to have.   Waving a hand in front of Blue's eye didn't seem to work.   Blue let out what could be considered a strained sign of acknowledgment, it could only be related to a croak.   Other strives to get a reaction were shut down by Blue's indifference to everything. 

'Blue, did I do something of fault?' Green asked with worry in his voice, Blue responded with a shake of his head stating no, although.. slowly... very slowly.

Purple was in pain seeing the interaction, it was like watching two social outcasts who have never interacted before crudely making small talk.   Green couldn't even see Blue shaking his head but assumed it was a no based on the motion.

'Green, let me try.' Purple calmly responded, knocking on the wooden floor of the theater to give Green some form of direction. Green swiftly picked Blue up, before settling him down right in front of the vent Purple was in.

'Should I leave?'   'Maybe, but if it doesn't work then I'll call you back in to shake some sense into him.' 

Green wasn't too thrilled at the idea of using other means to wake up Blue, so he was already on his way out as Blue snapped into reality. "I- Hellllloooo Purplee... been a while..." Blue let out a wavery titter.   Purple did not seem amused. 

'So, what's up?'   "What do you mean, nothings up! Or down, or-"

'Come on, just spill the beans, you've been hiding and acting strange.' Blue seemed to take insult to that.

'I've questioned Green if anything happened between you two, but there was nothing out of the norm, that had me concerned for you.'   "Sorry to worry you Purple.." 

'Nevermind that, can you talk to me about what's going on, or do you no-'    "No, no, no I can talk to you about it! It's not like I don't trust you or anything but,!" Blue paused, his train of thought was stammered as he thought of what to say next.

 'I won't tell a soul unless you want me to.'   "Purple, I think I have a crush on Green." Blue whispered directly. 

Purple could only give a blank stare before recollecting himself, lowering his voice and stating. 'So that's why you've been hiding away?' Blue nodded.

 'Why didn't you say so earlier?'   "I don't know! I didn't know if you would understand why I felt off so I went to ask Red and he explained it to me a while after giving me a vague answer!" 

The pair continued to speak in similarly hushed tones.

'Well, are you going to tell Green?'    "I can't even speak to him, Purple. How am I supposed to let alone go, 'Hey I kinda like you a lot so I hid away for a solid night while you looked for me'!"

 'You have a point, but you better say SOMETHING to him.'   "Can't you just say what I say to him?" 

'I'd think it'd be best for you to directly speak to him, as a form of closure.' With that newfound motivation, Blue stepped down from the theater, easily finding Green messing around with the pipes.   Red would be livid if he knew it was him.

"Hey Green!" Blue almost wanted to whisper, but Blue wasn't the type to be so soft-spoken and he, himself, knew it.   Green heard this though, and quickly started up with a few questions.

'How are you doing?'   "Good!" 

'Do you feel okay?'   "Dunno!"

'Did anything happen to you?'   "Nope... " Green had his attention laser-focused on Blue, who was fiddling with his crown. 

 Green might've not been the best at understanding hints, but he surely wasn't the worst.   He took notice of Blue's nervousness to respond and decided to interrogate him later, when Blue sounded more assured. 

'Don't feel pressured to rush out responses, you somewhat answered most of what I was worried about. We can speak in a bit if you want?'   "That'd be nice.." Blue barely managed to hum out.   

Green gave Blue a reassuring pat on his head before walking away, probably to go get on Red's nerves.   Blue was never going to live this down. 


A/N:(I swear they'll talk more further on, BTW I've been thinking of making one shorts for the rainbow friends cast, would any of yall like to read that? (Might be faster when producing those) ^^!!)

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