Chapter 7

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^Made by @DaughterHydes on twitter^

3rd POV:

"... Anyone wants to bet on how long it'll take until we hear Killer screaming again? I bet one minute" Dust asked with slight amusement, Phantom unhappy that his brother was betting on someone expenses.

"I bet... Two... Minute." Horror said as he continued eating.

"I'm not going to bet, but I hope that Nightmare will make Killer pay" Cross said joyfully.

"... I wonder if some ships exists. It'd be nice to gossip with Error." He chuckled softly, before feeling gloomy at how Error was still unconscious, but would hopefully wake up soon.

The slight silence quickly ended as they heard a loud scream, before it suddenly stopped.


Cross laughed happily at Killer's misfortune, followed Horror snorting slightly and Dust cheering that he won the bet. Which was quickly shut down as Phantom pointed out that they hadn't bet anything.

Y/N was currently chuckling slightly at how the once gloomy environment became joyful. Cracking up as he saw Nightmare walk back into the room, with an upside down, gagged and slightly bruised Killer.

"Hopefully Killer will know not to talk dirty with how clean his mouth is now" "No way-" Y/N and Cross started laughing as they realized that Nightmare filled Killer's mouth with soap, Horror taking a minute to understand what Nightmare was implying, before laughing himself.

"Wh4t's s0 funny?"

Error POV:

Groaning slightly as I opened my eyes, I panicked as I remembered what had happened. Sitting up and looking around warily, I soon calmed down as I realized that I was in Nightmare's castle. "H0w d1d 1 g3t h3r3? 1 d0n't r3m3mb3r 0p3n1ng 4 p0rt4l, b3f0r3 1 p4ss3d 0ut... 1 0nly r3m3mb3r Y/N y3ll1ng my n4m3 4nd 1t w3nt d4rk"

Getting up and hissing in pain slightly as I noticed how my ribs still hurt.

Walking into the hallway slowly and calmly as to not make my pain worse, I headed down to the living room. Noticing how it was empty, before I could even check the kitchen. I heard Killer's screaming... He most definitely pissed Nightmare off somehow.

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed how everyone was laughing at an upside-down and gagged Killer.

"Wh4t's s0 funny?" I asked, making everyone notice and glance at me. Some asking how I was and other's continuing to eat as they stared at me.

The questions didn't reach my ears, before Y/N quickly started talking and rambling.

"Oh my God Error. You scared me! I was so concerned! Do you have any idea how panicked I was when I noticed when you were unconscious?! I had to make a portal to Nightmare so that you could be treated for your injuries and-"

I blinked in surprise, feeling slightly weird at how a voice was concerned for him.

"Is something the matter?" Nightmare asked calmly, the others looking at Error that was staring in space questioningly.

"1t's just th4t gl1tch b31ng c0nc3rn3d f0r my w3ll-b31ng" "Are you talking about the observer?" I couldn't help but snort at the nickname and how Y/N grumbled slightly at it.

"1 gu3ss y0u c4n c4ll th3m th4t- W41t y0u c4n h34r th3m t00?" That was a surprise, Nightmare came to the Anti-void once and never hear any voices... Was Y/N not a voice? "No I cannot hear them-" Oh, nevermind- "-but I can feel where they are with their emotions"

"Huh. Th4t's 1nt3r3st1ng"

"Hey, how come you're so calm when talking about them. I thought that you hated talking with people other than us?" Cross asked with interest.

"W3ll... 1 c4n't g3t r1d 0f th3m. R3m3mb3r wh3n 1 t0ld y0u guys 4b0ut the v01c3s 1ns1d3 th3 4nt1-V01d?" I noticed how they all nodded, except Nightmare that was listening intently as I mentioned the voices. Horror snatched Dust plate since he was distracted.

"W3ll they 4r3 4 v01c3 4nd th3y 4r3 s0m3h0w 4ble t0 m4k3 th3 0th3r v01c3s shut up." "What?" Dust and Cross said in surprise, Nightmare contemplating what Error said and Y/N laughing at their expression.


After that whole fiasco, I could finally relax and sit down on the couch. I still felt slightly unhappy that Nightmare wouldn't let me leave until I was fully healed, but I was glad to find out that Ink surprisingly didn't create while they were unconscious.

"So, do you know if anyone is in a relationship?" I glitched slightly and froze at Y/N's question.

"N0 c0mm3nts"

"Wait- Does that mean yes? Please tell me I'm so curious!" I glared at the direction of Y/N voice.

"... Pretty please?" "N0. N0w shut up, 1'm w4tch1ng UND3RN0V3L4" Y/N grumbled slightly.

"... The next time you get hurt, I'll bother you for a whole day"

"Y0u'r3 4lr34dy 4nn0y1ng m3 3v3ryd4y. Wh4t d1ff3r3nc3 w0uld th4t m4k3?" "... This is me not being annoying" I froze as Y/N said that.

"Hey, is it just me or is Error more relaxed than usual?" Cross pointed out to Dust who just shrugged.

819 words

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