Chapter 25

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^Made by @Nonosartsstuff on twitter^

3rd POV:
"I'm telling you, I let my phone in my room." Ink grumbled as he looked around his room, Dream questioning Ink's memory. "Are you sure that you haven't forgotten your phone somewhere else... Again?"

"... No..."

Dream smiled as he patted Ink's back. "You can always get another phone." "I'm still going to try and find it!"


Meanwhile, Y/N and Error were cracking up as they watched Ink run and look around the mansion.

"How long do you think it will take for him to give up?" "Kn0w1ng h0w p3rs1st3nt h3 1s. Pr0b4bly tw3nty-f0ur h0urs." "Bet"

Dream couldn't help but notice how both Y/N and Error were happy and gleeful. Dream sighed as he said "What have you two done?"

Error and Y/N shrugged. "We did nothing. I don't know what you're talking about."

Dream shook his head "Whatever... Just don't mess with Ink's phone again." "I just needed one, so don't worry about that" Y/N chuckled.

Dream looked between Error and Y/N. "... Is it just me or are you two hanging out?"

Y/N grinned and Error froze. "We are-!" "N0 w3 4r3n't" "Error's just shy~" "1'm g01ng t0 l34v3 Y0U t13d up 1n th3 h4llw4y 4g41n 1f y0u c0nt1nu3."

Dream had no idea how Y/N and Error were friends, but he was glad that Y/N and Error can rely on each other.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM BEFORE I BUST YOUR SKULL OPEN!" They were all surprised by Fell's scream, before Y/N burst out laughing and Error chuckled. Dream just shook his head and excused himself to go and deal with Ink.


Dust POV:
I should probably tell Blue that I'm not sick until I get teased for weeks about this... Then again, they would definetly bother me about this even if I fixed the misunderstanding of me being sick with Blue now.

God this is weird. I don't usually smile and I almost never say thank you.

"Are you feeling comfortable!" "Huh? Oh, yes I am Blue. Thanks" I slapped myself as Blue left. "Ugh... I thanked him again." "I am quite happy to see someone care for you that much brother!"

I glanced at my brother, my mood dampening as I remembered... That memory.

"Brother!" "Huh? What?" I stared with guilt at my concerned brother.

"You were frozen and stared blankly for sometime... Are you thinking about that again?" "Yes..." "Brother... None of that was your fault." "I know it's just... Could I have thought about a better way to stop the human?"

"Brother, there was nothing human about them! If I had remembered like you... I don't know if I could still have called myself the great papyrus..."

That shook me to my core, I sat up suddenly and stared at my brother. "Brother. You will always be the great Papyrus. You were the only reason I still fought the human. Even if I knew that I'd die again and again with no hope to change anything." I sighed in relief as Papyrus started to smile again.

"Thank you brother..."

"Dust! You need to stay lied down, you're sick!" I jumped in surprise, Papyrus chuckling at my expense.

"Oh hey Blue-" "Don't hey me!" I blinked in confusion at Blue's concern as Blue felt my forehead.

"huh... What are you doing?" I chuckled slightly at Blue's smile. "Checking your temperature Ofcourse!"

... I did feel strangely warm...

Unbeknownst to me, Killer had seen this and sent it to our groupchat.


Knew it.

Didn't we all?

As long as their relationship does not compromise our group. I do not mind.

Aren't you all too soon to judge that they'll get together?

Do you not see how badly Dust is blushing? There's no doubt that he's head over heels for Blue.

Why is my phone buzzing so much?




Who's that? Error never uses capital letters.

If my eyes did not deceive me, that's Mystery. They stole Error's phone and now they're being chased by him.

Do they have a death wish?

Nsh I dont. Error carrs tooo much abouy me to kull mr.

Yup, I just saw them. They jumped through my window and closed it before Error could get inside.

Error added ***-**** to the group chat

Error has renamed ***-**** to Mystery

HAH! I'm in 😎

Since when is Error an admin?

I have to deal with you daily and I don't want to deal with what you text at night, so since Error doesn't need to sleep. I made him admin so that he can mute or timeout people as he judged was appropriate.

How come I never got timed out when I spammed at night then?

I'm guessing that he didn't know how

where is mystery by the way

Oh, I'm hiding in my room👌🏻

thanks idiot.

Huh? What do you mean Hhjkop00

HAHA! Mystery is tied up on the side of the mansion!

Although this is quite amusing. We should clear the chat before Dust sees the picture and tries to kill Killer.


Isn't Mystery phone number the same as Ink's phone number?

875 words

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