Chapter 37

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^u/The_Atzoova on Reddit^

3rd POV:
"So... Do you know why Boss is smiling? It's creepy."

Dust shrugged as he stared at the concerned Cross.

"I don't know and I don't care. Boss is in a good mood."

"Oh... What should we ask for? Hmm... I want chocolate."

"I want poker chips, Horror ate a few last time we played."


Cross, Dust and Horror hummed as they thought about their respective ideas on what to ask Nightmare...

"Hey NootNoot!"

"Killer don't-" Cross reached out to Killer who only kept talking.

"Why are you smiling so much! Did something good happen? Ooh... Let me guess... The balance between Negativity and Positivity is in our favor?"

Nightmare's expression soured as he slapped the back of Killer's head with one of his tendrils. The spectators sighing in disappointment as Nightmare was no longer happy.

"What are you all standing around for?! Go clean the dishes and mop every single inch of the floor. If you don't do it in one hour, you're all punished."

"Well fucking done Killer." Dust sighed slightly as Nightmare left in a bad mood.

Meanwhile! In our universe-
"Are you okay!" Mystery panicked as he made a portal back into the anti-void after stea- "borrowing" some bandages and food items from a random au.

"1'm f1n3-" Error sputtered and glitched as Mystery forced him to eat a piece of pie and then overly wrapped him up in bandages.

"4nd 1n 4ny c4s3. Wh4t th3 fuck h4pp3n3d t0 y0u?" Error motioned to Mystery with a poker face, hiding his discomfort from getting touched.

"Huh... No clue" Mystery frowned before he was nudged by his gaster blaster. "Oh my god! I have a gaster blaster!!! That's amazing!" Mystery grinned as he patted the gaster blaster.

"St0p 4ct1ng l1k3 n0th1ng b0th3rs y0u d4mm1t! Y0u'r3 4t 9 HP wh3n y0u w3r3 1n th3 d0ubl3 d1g1ts y3st3rd4y!"

Mystery blinked in surprise... "Aww do you care about me?! I knew it. You-" Error cut off Mystery's gleeful speech.

"Y3S! G0dd4mit... Y0u 4ct l1k3 n0th1ng b0th3rs Y0u 0r c0nc3rns y0u! L4st 1 h34rd. Th3 s4m3 d4y y0u g41n3d 4 m0nst3r b0dy. Y0u 4lm0st d13d!" Mystery stood there and blinked a few times... Shocked by the concern Error was showing.

"I-..." "W3 d0n't kn0w wh4t h4pp3ns wh3n y0u turn to dust... Y0u m1ght just b3 g0n3 4ft3rw4rds"

... Mystery smiled happily which made Error realize what he just said... "1'm 0nly w4rn1ng y0u t0 b3 c4r3ful, b3c4us3 1f y0u d1e th3 v01c3s m1ght c0m3 b4ck!"

"No worries, Windows Vista... I won't disappear that easily. I still have to get a hug from you!" "Th4t w1ll n3v3r h4pp3n!" "... Thank you for the concern though..." "D0n't m3nt10n 1t."

Star Council POV:
It was deathly quiet for awhile in the alternate universe... Naturally Fell broke the silence first.

"What the fuck was that?!" Fell kicked the ground to let put a bit of his frustration.

"Yeah... What was that Ink?" Blue asked Ink with some hesitation.

"I don't remember what happened, so..." Ink scratched the back of his head, wincing slightly as one of his ribs had a crack in it.

"You just tried to kill Error!" "Huh. Did I? Why?" Fell growled in anger "That's what we're trying to know!"

"Yeah that was messed up, bruh." Epic spoke up.

"... Dream, you there?" Classic nudged Dream slightly. "H-Huh, yeah I'm fine..."

"... Alright, we're too emotionally charged right now. Tomorrow, we're going to have a council meeting. Got it everyone?" Classic spoke up... Still concerned by how blank Ink's stare was while attacking Error earlier... Something was going on, and he needed to know what before it took him by surprise.

"Sister? Is something wrong?"... My anger almost exploded as Destiny spoke. But I have to keep appearances....

"Everything is fine."


I couldn't help but yell as soon as Destiny left

"THAT DAMN SKELETON!!! How dare he mess with me... I swear to fucking god-!" I let out a breath and tried to calm down. Chaos and his siblings will probably investigate why this happened... No matter! It was still worth it to see my Ink hurt my sister's abomination...

How dare they hurt my Ink though! Ugh... If only I could get rid off that skeleton... It's a worse abomination than my sister's as at least Error is the guardian of a diety.

... Although that Mystery isn't protected by any dieties... Guardians might be out of the question as I'd definitely be punished for messing with guardians fate even further... Fresh is under Chaos so he's out of the question, Error is my sister's guardian unfortunately, Dream is under Karma while his brother is under Anarchy... Who should I use?...

I smiled slightly as I touched one of the strings of Fate around my fingers... Oh you'll do just fine.

Chaos POV:
Did Fate try to kill Error by controlling Ink...

That bitch!

"Brother, calm down. You're starting to break the popcorn bowl." I blinked out of my anger with Karma's voice, although I could see how my siblings were both pissed too...

"Did you notice though?..." We both turned at Anarchy who seemed strangely captivated by something...

"What is it?" "Mystery loosened Ink's strings of fate..."

"Do you think Fate noticed?" Karma spoke up to ask Anarchy that question. "No, she's probably too mad to notice right now, but she's probably still going to plan on how to get rid of Mystery."

... Now I want to make Mystery my other guardian even more...

"Brother, no." I sighed in dissatisfaction at Karma's words.

"But wouldn't that solve the problem? Guardians are always stronger than normal." "We know, but we already made our limit of Guardians one. If we do make Mystery one of our guardians, it'll most likely make everything that is happening worse."

... This is getting too complicated...

970 words

Hello everyone! :]
I hope you all have been doing well, yes I've been doing fine thank you for asking.

Also to those worried about this ending all of a sudden, you don't need to worry. I highly doubt that I'd do that, if I do end this prematurely (Which I highly doubt I would) I'd announce it first.

Have a good day! :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 ⏰

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