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August 31st, 2022:

     Robert, Donna, Camron, Teddy, and Rebecca Sheldon sat in the first pew.   The pastor read from the bible and spoke kind words about Sherrie Shealon.  Rebecca lost all of her grandparents in the span of 3 years.  Marcia and Mark Jennings, her mother's parents died in early 2020 from Covid it hit their old smoker lungs too badly.  Robert Sheldon died of throat cancer in mid-2021 and Sherrie died on Cammy's birthday from Old age.  

     Camron or Cammy the oldest daughter at 19 was the one to find her.  They were all heading to bed and something told her to go into the living room where her grandmother was watching M.A.S.H., there she found her head in her recliner with a book open in her lap.  

     The name of the book was one that all the Sheldon children knew, seeing as their grandmothers Ex friend Ponyboy Curtis wrote it.  And both their grandmother and Grandfather were in it, though the latter was not painted very nicely.  When asked if there was any truth to what the boy wrote in the book her grandparents would just laugh and say 'Now Red darling, does it look like I'm dead from a stab wound?' or, 'Rebecca my dear Mr. Cade is working behind the counter of Dollar General right now, does he look like he was at anytime burned up in a fire?'

     No, he didn't.  Johnny Cade was littered with scars but none of which were from past burns, well none that looked to be caused by a church fire.  Mr.Cade had worked at the local Dollar General for as long as she could remember, he was a shy timid man that never married and had no children.  He lived alone in an old run-down house that was around from the 60s, supposably Ponyboy Curtis lived there as a kid but those were just rumors.  

     After the funeral, the Sheldons went back home where they each opened the letters that their grandmother had left them for after her death.   Rebecca's letter was dated the 24th, written just hours before her grandmother's death.  The writing was shaky but still showed some resemblance to her clean script.  

'My dearest Red, 

Do you know why we call you Red and why you've always secretly been my favorite, don't tell Teddy now.   Well, when you were about 2 years old you finally started to get some hair and eyebrows. And boy was that hair as red as can be.  From then on I called your Red as a little honor to myself, yes very full of myself that was, but it harmed no one.  

Rebbeca, I love you more than I love the breath that the Lord has given me for the past 73 years.  You remind me of everything good and feisty.   You made me laugh when times were too rough for my old heart to handle.  You took up crochet just because you knew I liked it.  You're the sweetest child I ever had the pleasure of knowing.  I love you forever and just know I am watching over you.  

My sweet girl, there's something I want to give you, in my bedroom go to the closet.  All the way to the back, they are buried behind all my clothes is my box of keepsakes.  All of it is for you.  I would leave to you my wedding gown but I do not think that would be fair, seeing as I have two grandbabies that could wear it.  

I'm sorry I have to cut this sort my dear Becca, but I am just too tired today.  I love you lots and lots.  And I hope to see you again when times are happier.  

-xoxoxo Grandma'

     Great, now she's crying, she did so well the past week holding it together but now hot tears ran down her face.  Her throat was dry and mucusy all at the same time, her lungs hurt and so did the muscles of her face.  Why was she crying over this letter, there wasn't anything remarkable about it. 

     The memory box was just a clear tub that mostly held old clothes.  Clothes that smelled of powder and a light perfume.  Under the old clothes were 4 notepads, red, green, black and blue.  Each one had #1, #2, and so on written on them in Sharpie.   What was inside almost made Rebecca's grieving heart stop. 

     The blue notebook labeled #1's first page read, 'THE FIRST DRAFT OF 'THE GREASERS' BY PONYBOY MICHEAL CURTIS AGED 15,'  On the inside cover there was a note written to her grandmother, 'Sherri 'Cherry' Valance,  I give to you my first draft of my book 'The Outsiders' they're nothing fancy or anything but this book is equally yours, as you inspired me to write it In the summer of '66 when you told me my imagination is great, and that I should do something with it and get out of this hellhole.  I don't know when I'll see you again but I'm off tomorrow for New York.  I wish you and Bob a good life with your son -Pony.' 

     Holy shit.  Was all Becca could think of as she grazed through the pages.  They were old and some of the pages were water damaged.  On the last notebook was a red ribbon with a class ring of '68.  She wondered if it was added by the great Ponyboy Curits or if it was tied on by her grandmother's agile fingers.  

     Slowly and gently she untied the ribbon and slipped the heavy gold ring on her finger, it was loose and kept falling around her finger so that the symbol fell into the palm of her hand.  

"Knock Knock,"  Her mother whispered and knocked on the open door.  "It's a nice night tonight Red, how about you sleep outside tonight just as you used to."   Sure Rebecca used to sleep outside all the time when it was warm, but the truth was her parents have been arguing so it was easier to throw the kid outside.  "Take Teddy out with you he needs to leave those video games."  

     "Sure whatever."  

     The outside was humid and muggy, ah good 'ol Tulsa weather.  Rebecca had dragged her mattress outside and laid out on the grass.  The full moon was the only thing that lit up the countryside. 

     The next morning without going inside Red went into the woods to her old tree house, it was large and made by her dad for his little sister who died at the age of 10.   

     She slimmed up the wooded ladder that screeched under her bare feet.  She wore shorts and an old large work shirt that belonged to her dad.  She went over to the little book nook that was stocked full of books and picked out the book 'The short second life of Bree Tanner,' and started to read it.  Until her body was on fire.  

     "OH, GOD!"  Someone yelled before there was a crash.  "Sweet Mother Mary."  A woman's voice rang out as there was another crash.  "FUCKING GREASERS!"  Another.  And another.  Rebecca sat there gobsmacked as people fell from thin air.  

     "Err, young lady, what just happened?"  One of the boys asked from the floor.  Rebecca didn't answer, instead, she looked off into the void, wondering herself what the fuck just happened.  

A/N yeah, I know it was rushed but I had the idea in my head and didn't want to lose it.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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