Chapter 1: How Mario's Parents Met

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Meggy: Come on, Gino... can you say; Mummy?

Gino: ...

Meggy: Say... Mummy? Or... Daddy?

Mario: *sigh* Still nothing...

Meggy: I know...

Mario: When do you think they're gonna start saying words?

Meggy: Probably... when they reach 12 months old...

Mario: So... when they reach 1 year old?

Meggy: Something like that...

Mario: They're both 10 months old, now... there's still about 2 months to go...

Loaf: Meow. 🐱

Mario: Shut up, Loaf!!! 😠

Loaf: *HISSES* 😾


Meggy: Say... Mama?


Meggy: *sigh* Or just poop your nappy...

Mario: Oh sorry... that was me! I had a spicy Meatball, earlier...

Meggy: *sigh* Nice, Mario...


Mario: Enter!!!

Mia turned up.

Mia turned up

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Mia: Hello!

Meggy: Mia! What a pleasant surprise!

Mia: How are--


Mia: Did you poop in here?

Meggy: That was your son...

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