Chapter 3: Mario's Bad Day

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Mario: I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW IN THERE!!! You two were messing around in my own bath-tub!!! 😡

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Mario: I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW IN THERE!!! You two were messing around in my own bath-tub!!! 😡

Pio: Listen, son... we can explain! Today is actually our wedding anniversary.

Mario: And?!

Mia: We were just celebrating our 43rd wedding anniversary, darling.

Mario: You two disgust me!!!

Meggy: Mario, you should be happy for them...

Mia: I don't see what the problem is... we were just having fun!

Mario: Yeah... too much fun!!!


Pio: What's wrong with you?!

Mario: What's wrong with me?! I just found out that my wife used to be a Merseyside Blue Scum-bag!!!

Mia: Since when?!

Mario: 10 years ago, when she was celebrating an Everton Goal with an old Girl-friend of hers!!!

Mia: Was she, now?!

Meggy: I'm a Red now! Remember when we did that Stadium Tour?!

Mario: And then, the next minute... my own Mother and Father, were messing about in my own house?!

Pio: Son... we were just having a chat.

Mario: IN THE NUDE!!!

Meggy: We usually do that, Mario!

Mario: *sigh* Oh god... this is too much to take!

Mario rushed out.

Meggy: *sigh* What is happening...?



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Luigi: Hey, Mario... what's up, bro?

SMG4: You don't seem yourself, tonight... what's wrong?

Mario: *sigh* Meggy used to be an Evertonian...

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