Final Chapter: I'm Sorry...

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In Splatsville...


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Meggy: *panting*

Meggy was exhausted.

Meggy: Wow... I'm exhausted! I think that's enough Splatting, for one day. And... I'm sweating, as well.

Meggy went away.

Meggy: Imma have a Shower.

In the Locker room...

In the Locker room

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Meggy: O_O

Mario: *waves* 👋🥲

Meggy approached Mario.

Meggy: Alright...? 😒

Mario: Yeah... never better...

Meggy: Where are your parents?

Mario: *sigh* It turns out that Mum only wanted to have a nice weekend for her wedding anniversary... and, it also turns out that Dad has become a stupid penis... again.

Meggy: Lovely...

Mario: Look, honey... I had to get here. I know you were very upset about me and my parents, last night... and, I know that I was a stupid jerk to you and to your old Inkling friend...

Meggy: You called me; a Merseyside Blue Skank... humiliated me at Pizza Hut... and, you laughed at me while I was upset...

Mario: I know! But... I just wanna say that I'm sorry about how I was acting like a stupid jerk to you...

Meggy: And?

Mario: And... for getting angry at you, for finding out about your little secret...

Meggy: Hmm...

Mario: And... I never thought I'd do this, but...

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