Chapter 4: Family Bonding

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Meggy: *sniff* Mario

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Meggy: *sniff* Mario... didn't even make it home, last night...

Saiko: Calm down, Meggy... you sound like that you became a Widow!

Meggy: It's just... after the fight... he literally just called me; A Merseyside Blue Skank... and then, he ran off...

Melony: That's terrible...

Meggy: What am I gonna do?! I mean... what if he files for Divorce?!

Tari: Meggy... you and Mario are one of the greatest couples, I've ever seen... and, you have 2 beautiful children, as well! Don't you think he was over-reacting, a bit?

Meggy: I don't know, Tari...

Tari: Well... he was very upset, last night.

Meggy: You know what?! I think Mario was right... we shouldn't have gone to my old Children's home... we could've just said Hi to Becky, and that's it.

Tari: Who would've thought that Inkling would be going out with Belle...


Melony: Wait... Belle's dating, now?!

Saiko: Good for her!

Melony: We are still supporting her happiness, right?

Meggy: *sigh* I suppose so...

Tari: But, still... I think I'm getting worried about you and Mario... that's all I'm saying.

Meggy: I know... I just don't think he's forgiven me...


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Mario: 😢

Pio: Hey, buddy... what's going on, mate?

Mario: What do you think?!

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