~Chapter 4~

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"Lightcub!" Ranileaf screamed.

Kionroar perked his ears up and ran into the nursery, "Ranileaf? What's wrong?" "It's Lightcub! She won't wake up!"

Kionroar's eyes widened. He ran to his cub and nudged her head. Her head flopped back down, limp.

Kionroar roared, "Shineclaw!" Shineclaw ran in with Spottedpaw. "Yes Kionroar"

"Lightcub won't get up! Her body is limp!" Kionroar dug his claws into the ground.

Shineclaw inspected Lightcub and sighed, "She's gone." Ranileaf backed away, tears formed in her eyes. Slash and Talon walked in, "Who's gone?"

"We're letting Cougars into the nursery?" Spottedpaw asked. "No. We are lions, like you," Slash said, nervously.

Kionroar roared in sadness, "Lightcub!"

The Pride sat around Lightcub's body. She was in the center of thr camp. Spottedpaw rubbed Rosemary onto Lightcub's fur to make it look nice.

Ranileaf cried into Kionroar's fur. Kionroar let a few tears roll down his muzzle.

Swanpaw laid by her sister and cried.

After they said their goodbyes, Mapleshade and Tigerwhisp took her away to be buried. "Lightcub!" Ranileaf wailed. Kionroar wrapped his paws around her and she cried into his chest.

Swiftpaw looked at Swanpaw, "Are you going to be all right?" Swanpaw wiped away her tears, "I'll recover. Eventually."

Swiftpaw licked behind her ears, "I'm here for you." Swanpaw purred. Even though this was a sad moment, Thornpaw, Eaglepaw, and Adderpaw couldn't help but laugh.

Shimmerstar walked up to Kionroar, "Take a few days off of being deputy. Be with your family."

Kionroar nodded. Zinewillow walked up to him, "I'm...sorry for your loss." Kionroar sighed.

Ranileaf continued crying, "Lightcub! No!" Kionroar pulled her closer to him and he started crying as well.

(Before Lightcub "died")

Lightcub suddenly went limp. She could breathe. But they were very small breaths. She never was actually dead, just in a coma.

Lightcub was buried, but as soon as Tigerwhisp and Mapleshade finished burying her, she woke up.

Dirt filled her mouth and she screamed and tried to get out, "Help! Help!" But no one could hear her.

After a while, Lightcub couldn't breathe from the lack of oxygen. She slowly died.

Kiarastream screamed in anger and attacked Amberstone. Amberstone, being pregnant with Kovuclaw's cubs, couldn't defend herself.

Kovuclaw dashed forward and helped his mate. Kiarastream growled, "You said you loved me!"

"Not anymore," Kovuclaw snarled. Kiarastream attacked Amberstone, but Kovuclaw got in the way. She ripped his throat out and dropped dead.

"No!" Kiarastream cried.

Amberstone growled, "Kovuclaw's cubs will live on! His bloodline will continue!"

Right before Kiarastream could attack, Kovuclaw's apprentice, Petalpaw attacked. She ripped at Kiarastream's chest.

Kiarastream started choking on her own blood and slowly walked away, leaving a trail of blood.

After a while, Kiarastream collapsed. A pool of blood surrounded her. She closed her eyes and died.

Kiarastream expected to be in StarPride, but found herself somewhere different. It was a forest. There were trees blocking the stars, and dark vines everywhere. She looked at the river, which was completely black. She put her paw in and gasped. It was sticky. She backed away quickly.

Kiarastream looked around and saw other lions. Their fur was almost black. You could see their normal color, but their fur was covered in shadows.

"Welcome to the Dark Forest, Kiarastream," A male smirked. "Who are you?" Kiarastream growled. "My name's Thistlestripe," He replied. "This is the pride of lions who disobeyed the warrior code. You belong here Kiarastream, with us."

Kiarastream smirked evilly, "And I'll happily join."

Kionroar was in the Warriors den with Ranileaf snuggled up right beside him. Ranileaf wiped her tears away, "I know I shouldn't say this...but I always thought it would be Swanpaw who died. I mean, She has Leucism. Its not the best condition to have."

"I guess..." Kionroar tried to find his words. "I guess it's just how life plays out." "But it shouldn't have been Lightcub. She was so young," Ranileaf cried. Kionroar wrapped his arms around her, "At least she's better now, in StarPride."

Ranileaf nodded.

"What's StarPride?"

Kionroar looked up and saw Talon and Slash. "StarPride is where our ancestors are," Kionroar explained sadly.

"Oh that very interesting. Do you know much about it?" Slash asked. "No. But the medicine lions do. They have a special connection with StarPride," Kionroar replied.

"Let's go see Shineclaw!" Slash smiled. "Wait for me!" Talon shouted. They both ran out.

Ranileaf smiled a bit, "They always know how to make everyone smile." "That's because they're Cougars, disguising themselves as lions, with absolutely no ides what they're doing. It's hilarious," Kionroar chuckled.

Ranileaf cuddled closer to him, "Yeah." There was silence, then Ranileaf asked, "Do you miss Dapplepaw?"

"Yeah. Sometimes. I just wonder if he's okay," Kionroar sighed. "He is. I know he is. Don't worry Kionroar. After the Cougars are gone, we will look for him," Ranileaf said. Kionroar smiled.

Swanpaw was in the apprentice den with Swiftpaw. He was comforting her. Adderpaw, Eaglepaw, and Thornpaw kept mocking them, but Swiftpaw didn't care. He wanted to help his friend.

"Are you feeling better, Swanpaw?"

Swanpaw nodded, "Yeah. Thank you Swiftpaw." She nuzzled him. Swiftpaw's face turned red with embarrassment.

"You're a great friend," Swanpaw smiled and walked out. Swiftpaw sighed, "That's me...just a friend."

Somewhere far away....

"Those wretched lions will pay. I'LL MAKE THEM ALL PAY!"

Kion and Rani: Warriors Book 2Where stories live. Discover now