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Freen's PoV

We have been roaming England for a week now Becky is really a wonderful guide to me. She showed me all the places. Now she bought to a beach. Its the last day of our trip. We were sitting on the sand.

I got call from Nam oh shit it's her birthday and I completely forgot it. I went a few steps away and talked to her. She always call me hubby. And I love to call her wifey.

It's not that we love each other like that but we behaved like that to make her friends jealous of her. But now she had a boyfriend even though she calls me hubby.

As call ended. I saw a dog nearby. I went to the dog and started to play with it. I said "Becky come here let's play."

Becky said "No Freen I'm fine you continue."

I just nodded and started to play with the dog until I got tired and the guy took his dog back. It was really so cute. I wish I had a puppy. I came back and sat beside Becky. I said "Don't you like dogs Becky!?"

She said "I love dogs Freen but I can't play now."

I asked in confusion "Why Becky are you not well? Shall I check on you?"

I was about to touch her forehead. She went back and said "No Freen I'm fine just that I'm not in a mood."

I nodded and said "Now what is that help you wanted from me?"

She said "Hmm.. I..I.."

I said "It's ok Becky you can ask anything you want."

She said "But it may risk your life and I don't want to risk my cousin's life ."

What she knew I'm her cousin. Why the hell did she not say me? Fuck. I said "Becky you knew it?"

She said "Yes Freen of course you look so similar to my Sam mom. How can I not know you?"

I was shocked then I said "What is that you want Becky are you in some danger? I can help you don't worry."

She said "Well it's true I'm in danger."

I said "What kind of danger is it becky you can say anything to me."

She became teary. She then said "It's my husband..."

I said "What? Are you married? I didn't know. I was not invited for your..."

She said "Of course no one knows except my parents and their some friends because Mon mom didn't like our marriage and My husband was in hurry to come to England so.."

I said "Becky are you happy?"

She said "Well I was happy but not after what happened that night."

I said "What happened Becky?"

She didn't say but teared up. I felt heavy in my heart. Why does it hurt a lot to me when she cries I think I feel in love with my own cousin but how can I tell her? Telling her is fine but how could I face that cold face Khun Sam. She doesn't like me and I hate her too.

I can't say how much I hate her for not helping me when I needed. Not there for me when I wanted her the most. I came out of my thoughts when Becky said "Why are you crying Freen?"

That's when I realised a tear in my eyes. I looked at Becky and faked a smile as I can't tell her what her mom did. But I'll just let it go. I said "Nothing Becky what's wrong say me."

Now I actually touched her shoulder to calm her but what the heck I couldn't touch her. I shouted "what the heck Becky are you real or am I hallucinating." I can't touch. I tried to reach her but no. Oh so she always stoped me from touching her. Oh god Becky.

I said "Are you dead?"

I finally asked when I didn't know what else to say. My heart started to raise in scare and sadness filled all over. How can I loose her even when I didn't have her. Does her mothers know about it? How will they react?


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