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Flashback continues
Mon's PoV
I don't want to be like that but just don't want to spoil her. I didn't respond to her. She hugged me while sitting. She said "Mom I always knew you come and kiss me when I sleep. But I didn't dare to open my eyes."

She continued "Mom I love you as much as I love mom Sam. But you never show me that love back."

Her tears fall as mine too. I hugged her back and she made me sit beside her. She said "Mom once I go away no one will be there to torture you."

And she smiled but I cried. I finally said "Don't say that Becky you're never a torture to me. I love you Becky don't say that I can't imagine you going away. My heart hurts."

She was silent now. I said while rubbing her cheeks with my thumb "But if you really love him and he is worth of you I won't even hold you back like this because you have the right to leave your life. I'm sorry for not giving the attention you wanted from me but I love you my darling baby."

She teared up and hugged me. She said "Mom can I sleep with you and mom Sam. I want to sleep between you guys."

I nodded and took her with me to our room. Khun Sam looked at us surprised. She said "Wow mom and daughter are together. Am I dreaming?"

Becky went and hugged her while saying "Mom can I sleep here?"

Khun Sam said "Of course baby."

Then she slept between us and we both hugged her. I really miss this. A family is complete but the thought of her going away is hitting me badly.

I was struggling to sleep but I don't know when I fell asleep. In the morning I woke up when someone was creasing my hair and it was Becky. She said "Good morning momma."

I said "Good morning Bec."

She smiled at me and that made me forget my pain. I noticed that Khun Sam was not beside me. I said "Where is Khun Sam?"

She said "Mom went to work already today he is coming to meet us know so she would come early."

I just nodded and woke up. She said "Mom I hope you like him."

I said "Beck Don't worry go get ready before he comes and wear a nice outfit ok."

I winked at her and she went to her room shyly. Such a kid. After a while finally the boy arrived. I opened the door. Wow he is so handsome and He and Becky will be a good pair no doubt. I asked him to sit. Nanny gave him juice and Becky she is nervous. She sat beside me finally Khun Sam came. I just looked at her eyes. She came and sat beside Becky.

She said "Well you're name.."

He said "I'm Saint Khun Sam."

She said "Ok have lunch with us we can talk later."

He nodded and we all were sitting on the table Becky now was sitting next to him. I wonder why she is nervous. We were eating when he said "Ma'am I love your daughter and wanted to ask her hand for Marriage."

I was shocked and looked at him. Wasn't it so early they are still young. Khun Sam didn't say anything so he continued "Well my dad has said that we can get married in 6months as I'm shifting to England."

Now Khun Sam said "How can I know you would keep my daughter happy?"

Ya right she asked a right question which was running in my mind. He said "Well ma'am I'll do anything to make her happy. She is so beautiful as her mother and she is good. Don't worry I'll look after like you did all this time."

But I felt something fishy as Becky didn't show interest in their talk and was in her own thoughts. Why isn't she the one who bought him? Why is she dull. Does she really love him? Now I'm struggling with my thoughts.



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